Faheem Zafari
Cited by
Cited by
A survey of indoor localization systems and technologies
F Zafari, A Gkelias, KK Leung
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (3), 2568-2599, 2019
Microlocation for internet-of-things-equipped smart buildings
F Zafari, I Papapanagiotou, K Christidis
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (1), 96-112, 2015
Predicting network attack patterns in SDN using machine learning approach
S Nanda, F Zafari, C DeCusatis, E Wedaa, B Yang
2016 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined …, 2016
A survey of intelligent car parking system
Faheem, SA Mahmud, GM Khan, M Rahman, H Zafar
Journal of applied research and technology 11 (5), 714-726, 2013
Enhancing ibeacon based micro-location with particle filtering
F Zafari, I Papapanagiotou
2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-7, 2015
An ibeacon based proximity and indoor localization system
F Zafari, I Papapanagiotou, M Devetsikiotis, T Hacker
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.07876, 2017
Enhancing the accuracy of ibeacons for indoor proximity-based services
F Zafari, I Papapanagiotou, M Devetsikiotis, TJ Hacker
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2017
A novel Bayesian filtering based algorithm for RSSI-based indoor localization
F Zafari, I Papapanagiotou, TJ Hacker
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018, 2018
Very short term load forecasting using Cartesian genetic programming evolved recurrent neural networks (CGPRNN)
GM Khan, F Zafari, SA Mahmud
2013 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2 …, 2013
Electrical load forecasting using fast learning recurrent neural networks
GM Khan, AR Khattak, F Zafari, SA Mahmud
The 2013 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-6, 2013
Optimizing timer-based policies for general cache networks
NK Panigrahy, J Li, F Zafari, D Towsley, P Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.03941, 2017
A game-theoretic approach to multi-objective resource sharing and allocation in mobile edge
F Zafari, J Li, KK Leung, D Towsley, A Swami
Proceedings of the 2018 on Technologies for the Wireless Edge Workshop, 9-13, 2018
Optimal energy consumption for communication, computation, caching, and quality guarantee
F Zafari, J Li, KK Leung, D Towsley, A Swami
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 7 (1), 151-162, 2019
Let’s share: A game-theoretic framework for resource sharing in mobile edge clouds
F Zafari, KK Leung, D Towsley, P Basu, A Swami, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 18 (2), 2107-2122, 2020
Dynamic feedback neuro-evolutionary networks for forecasting the highly fluctuating electrical loads
GM Khan, F Zafari
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 17, 391-408, 2016
Evolving recurrent neural network using cartesian genetic programming to predict the trend in foreign currency exchange rates
F Zafari, GM Khan, M Rehman, S Ali Mahmud
Applied Artificial Intelligence 28 (6), 597-628, 2014
Future clients' requests estimation for dynamic resource allocation in cloud data center using cgpann
J Ali, F Zafari, GM Khan, SA Mahmud
2013 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2 …, 2013
A game-theoretic framework for resource sharing in clouds
F Zafari, KK Leung, D Towsley, P Basu, A Swami
2019 12th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), 8-15, 2019
Resource sharing in the edge: A distributed bargaining-theoretic approach
F Zafari, P Basu, KK Leung, J Li, D Towsley, A Swami
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 20 (4), 4369-4382, 2023
Multi-Objective Optimization
F Zafari, J Li
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Articles 1–20