Gail McMillan
Gail McMillan
Professor Emerita, University Libraries, Virginia Tech
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Networked digital library of theses and dissertations: An international effort unlocking university resources
EA Fox, JL Eaton, G McMillan, NA Kipp, P Mather, T McGonigle, ...
D-lib magazine, 1997
National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: A Scalable andSustainable Approach to Unlock University Resources
EA Fox, JL Eaton, G McMillan, NA Kipp, L Weiss, E Arce, S Guyer
Corporation for National Research Initiatives, 1996
The evolving genre of electronic theses and dissertations
EA Fox, G McMillan, JL Eaton
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems …, 1999
Do open access electronic theses and dissertations diminish publishing opportunities in the social sciences and humanities? Findings from a 2011 survey of academic publishers
ML Ramirez, JT Dalton, G McMillan, M Read, NH Seamans
College & Research Libraries 74 (4), 368, 2013
Networked digital library of theses and dissertations (NDLTD)
EA Fox, G McMillan, H Suleman, MA Gonçalves, M Luo
Digital Libraries, 167-187, 2017
Embracing the electronic journal: One library's plan
G McMillan
The Serials Librarian 21 (2-3), 97-108, 1991
NDLTD: Encouraging international collaboration in the academy
EA Fox, R Hall, NA Kipp, JL Eaton, G McMillan, P Mather
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology 17 (6), 1997
CONFERENCE CIRCUIT: Do ETDs deter publishers? Coverage from the 4th international symposium on ETDs
G McMillan
College & Research Libraries News 62 (6), 620-622, 2001
The networked digital library of theses and dissertations: Changes in the university community
EA Fox, MA Gonçalves, G McMillan, J Eaton, A Atkins, N Kipp
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 13, 102-124, 2002
Electronic theses and dissertations: Merging perspectives
G McMillan
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 22 (3-4), 105-125, 1996
Support for publishing at academic libraries: How much...
J Cosgriff, D Kenney
Journal of Academic Librarianship 16 (2), 94-97, 1990
Do open access electronic theses and dissertations diminish publishing opportunities in the sciences?
ML Ramírez, G McMillan, JT Dalton, A Hanlon, HS Smith, C Kern
Association of College and Research Libraries, 2013
Technical processing of electronic journals
G McMillan
Library resources & technical services 36 (4), 470-77, 1992
Libraries address the challenges of asynchronous learning
J Eustis, G McMillan
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 2, 1997
Electronic theses and dissertations: progress, issues, and prospects
EA Fox, G McMillan, V Srinivasan
Putting knowledge to work and letting information play, 95-110, 2012
National digital library of theses and dissertations
EA Fox, JL Eaton, G McMillan, NA Kipp, L Weiss, E Arce, S Guyer
D-lib Magazine, 1996
The digital library: Without a soul can it be a library?
G McMillan
books and bytes: conference proceedings: 2000 VALA Biennial conference and …, 2000
Use of teams in ARL libraries
GJ Soete
Association of Research Libraries, Office of Management Services, 1998
SPEC kit 325: digital preservation
G McMillan, M Schultz, K Skinner
Association of Research Libraries, 2011
Electronic journals: Access through libraries
G McMillan
The virtual library: Visions and realities, 111-129, 1993
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Articles 1–20