Superconductivity in the Two-Dimensional Model S Sorella, GB Martins, F Becca, C Gazza, L Capriotti, A Parola, E Dagotto
Physical review letters 88 (11), 117002, 2002
287 2002 Enhancement of antiferromagnetic correlations induced by nonmagnetic impurities: Origin and predictions for NMR experiments M Laukamp, GB Martins, C Gazza, AL Malvezzi, E Dagotto, PM Hansen, ...
Physical Review B 57 (17), 10755, 1998
110 1998 Schwinger-boson approach to quantum spin systems: Gaussian fluctuations in the “natural” gauge AE Trumper, LO Manuel, CJ Gazza, HA Ceccatto
Physical review letters 78 (11), 2216, 1997
94 1997 Doped stripes in models for the cuprates emerging from the one-hole properties of the insulator GB Martins, C Gazza, JC Xavier, A Feiguin, E Dagotto
Physical Review Letters 84 (25), 5844, 2000
79 2000 Nonclassical disordered phase in the strong quantum limit of frustrated antiferromagnets HA Ceccatto, CJ Gazza, AE Trumper
Physical Review B 47 (18), 12329, 1993
77 1993 Stripe stability in the extended model on planes and four-leg ladders T Tohyama, C Gazza, CT Shih, YC Chen, TK Lee, S Maekawa, E Dagotto
Physical Review B 59 (18), R11649, 1999
70 1999 Incommmensurability and Unconventional Superconductor to Insulator Transition<? format?> in the Hubbard Model with Bond-Charge Interaction AA Aligia, A Anfossi, L Arrachea, C Degli Esposti Boschi, AO Dobry, ...
Physical review letters 99 (20), 206401, 2007
46 2007 Indications of spin-charge separation at short distance and stripe formation in the extended tJ model on ladders and planes GB Martins, JC Xavier, C Gazza, M Vojta, E Dagotto
Physical Review B 63 (1), 014414, 2000
41 2000 A Schwinger boson approach to Heisenberg antiferromagnets on a triangular lattice CJ Gazza, HA Ceccatto
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (10), L135, 1993
40 1993 J 1-J 2 model: Energy, correlations, and order-parameter fluctuations on finite lattices HA Ceccatto, CJ Gazza, AE Trumper
Physical Review B 45 (14), 7832, 1992
39 1992 Classical antiferromagnetism in kinetically frustrated electronic models CN Sposetti, B Bravo, AE Trumper, CJ Gazza, LO Manuel
Physical Review Letters 112 (18), 187204, 2014
36 2014 Magnetization plateaus induced by a coupling to the lattice T Vekua, DC Cabra, A Dobry, C Gazza, D Poilblanc
Physical review letters 96 (11), 117205, 2006
35 2006 Antiferromagnetically coupled alternating spin chains AE Trumper, C Gazza
Physical Review B 64 (13), 134408, 2001
31 2001 Anderson impurity in the one-dimensional Hubbard model for finite-size systems S Costamagna, CJ Gazza, ME Torio, JA Riera
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (19), 195103, 2006
29 2006 Diagonalization in reduced Hilbert spaces using a systematically improved basis: Application to spin dynamics in lightly doped ladders E Dagotto, GB Martins, J Riera, AL Malvezzi, C Gazza
Physical Review B 58 (18), 12063, 1998
29 1998 Quasiparticle vanishing driven by geometrical frustration AE Trumper, CJ Gazza, LO Manuel
Physical Review B 69 (18), 184407, 2004
27 2004 Topological Kondo insulators in one dimension: Continuous Haldane-type ground-state evolution from the strongly interacting to the noninteracting limit FT Lisandrini, AM Lobos, AO Dobry, CJ Gazza
Physical Review B 96 (7), 075124, 2017
18 2017 Haldane phase in one-dimensional topological Kondo insulators A Mezio, AM Lobos, AO Dobry, CJ Gazza
Physical Review B 92 (20), 205128, 2015
17 2015 Quantum dot with ferromagnetic leads: A density-matrix renormalization group study CJ Gazza, ME Torio, JA Riera
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (19), 193108, 2006
17 2006 Pressure dependence of the melting mechanism at the limit of overheating in Lennard-Jones crystals L Gómez, C Gazza, H Dacharry, L Penaranda, A Dobry
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (13), 134106, 2005
17 2005