Anna Sacio-Szymańska
Anna Sacio-Szymańska
4CF Strategic Foresight
Zweryfikowany adres z 4cf.pl - Strona główna
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Cytowane przez
How do companies envisage the future? Functional foresight approaches
A Kononiuk, A Sacio-Szymańska, J Gáspár
Engineering Management in Production and Services 9 (4), 21-33, 2017
Evaluation of technology foresight projects
B Poteralska, A Sacio-Szymańska
European Journal of Futures Research 2, 1-9, 2014
Assessing the maturity level of foresight in Polish companies—a regional perspective
A Kononiuk, A Sacio-Szymańska
European Journal of Futures Research 3, 1-13, 2015
Foresight for career development
A Kononiuka, A Pająkb, AE Gudanowskaa, A Magruka, J Kozłowskaa, ...
Форсайт 14 (2 (eng)), 88-104, 2020
Teaching foresight and futures literacy and its integration into university curriculum
A Kononiuk, A Sacio-Szymańska, S Ollenburg, L Trivelli
Форсайт 15 (3 (eng)), 105-121, 2021
Corporate foresight at the strategic research institutes
A Sacio-Szymańska, A Mazurkiewicz, B Poteralska
Business: Theory and Practice 16 (3), 316-325, 2015
The future of business in Visegrad region
A Sacio-Szymańska, A Kononiuk, S Tommei, O Valenta, É Hideg, ...
European Journal of Futures Research 4, 1-13, 2016
Assessing the emergence of bioeconomy by the radical technology inquirer tool
E Koukios, A Sacio-Szymańska
European Journal of Futures Research 6, 1-10, 2018
Setting priority R&D directions for the strategic research institutes
A Sacio-Szymanska, A Mazurkiewicz, B Poteralska
XXII ISPIM Conference. Sustainability in Innovation: Innovation Management …, 2011
Assessing the emergence of bioeconomy in transition economies by a future-oriented approach: The case of Poland
E Koukios, L Karaoglanoglou, D Ciechanska, A Mazurkiewicz, ...
Bioeconomy for Sustainable Development, 159-171, 2020
Pozycja Polski w świetle wybranych metodyk oceny innowacyjności i konkurencyjności
A Sacio-Szymańska
Problemy eksploatacji, 101-113, 2011
Becoming Future-Oriented Entrepreneurs in Universities and Companies (WP1 report), Brussels: European Commission
A Kononiuk, A Gudanowska, A Magruk, A Sacio-Szymańska, G Fantoni, ...
The quest for the competences of a future-oriented individual: Research methodology and findings
A Kononiuk, A Gudanowska, A Magruk, A Sacio-Szymańska, G Fantoni, ...
Becoming future-oriented entrepreneurs in universities and companies report …, 2017
Corporate foresight potential in Visegrad (V4) countries
A Sacio-Szymańska
Institute for Sustainable Technologies–National Research Institute, Radom, 2016
Implementation and evaluation of foresight results
A Mazurkiewicz, B Poteralska, A Sacio-Szymanska
ISPIM Conference Proceedings, 1, 2013
Mobilizing Corporate Foresight Potential among V4 Countries–Assumptions, Rationales and Methodology
A Sacio-Szymańska, A Kononiuk, S Tommei
Procedia Engineering 182, 635-642, 2017
Foresight as a key enabler of innovation in the economy. Introduction to the topical collection
A Sacio-Szymańska, G Fantoni, C Daheim
European Journal of Futures Research 4, 1-4, 2016
Setting priority R&D directions for the strategic research institutes
A Mazurkiewicz, A Sacio-Szymanska, B Poteralska
ISPIM Conference Proceedings, 1, 2012
Bio#Futures. Foreseeing and Exploring the Bioeconomy.
K Emmanuel, SSA eds.)
https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030649685, 2021
Projektowanie kariery zawodowej-perspektywa badań foresightowych
A Kononiuk, A Pająk, A Gudanowska, J Kozłowska, A Magruk, ...
Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej, 2020
Nie można teraz wykonać tej operacji. Spróbuj ponownie później.
Prace 1–20