Jonas Fritzsch
Jonas Fritzsch
Zweryfikowany adres z informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
From Monolith to Microservices: A Classification of Refactoring Approaches
J Fritzsch, J Bogner, A Zimmermann, S Wagner
International Workshop on Software Engineering Aspects of Continuous …, 2019
Microservices in Industry: Insights into Technologies, Characteristics, and Software Quality
J Bogner, J Fritzsch, S Wagner, A Zimmermann
2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA …, 2019
Microservices Migration in Industry: Intentions, Strategies, and Challenges
J Fritzsch, J Bogner, S Wagner, A Zimmermann
2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution …, 2019
Industry practices and challenges for the evolvability assurance of microservices: An interview study and systematic grey literature review
J Bogner, J Fritzsch, S Wagner, A Zimmermann
Empirical Software Engineering 26, 1-39, 2021
Assuring the evolvability of microservices: insights into industry practices and challenges
J Bogner, J Fritzsch, S Wagner, A Zimmermann
2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution …, 2019
Limiting technical debt with maintainability assurance: an industry survey on used techniques and differences with service-and microservice-based systems
J Bogner, J Fritzsch, S Wagner, A Zimmermann
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Technical Debt, 125-133, 2018
Determining microservice boundaries: A case study using static and dynamic software analysis
T Matias, FF Correia, J Fritzsch, J Bogner, HS Ferreira, A Restivo
Software Architecture: 14th European Conference, ECSA 2020, L'Aquila, Italy …, 2020
Designing microservice systems using patterns: an empirical study on quality trade-offs
G Vale, FF Correia, EM Guerra, T de Oliveira Rosa, J Fritzsch, J Bogner
2022 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), 69-79, 2022
Adopting microservices and DevOps in the cyber‐physical systems domain: a rapid review and case study
J Fritzsch, J Bogner, M Haug, AC Franco da Silva, C Rubner, M Saft, ...
Software: Practice and Experience 53 (3), 790-810, 2023
Résumé-driven development: A definition and empirical characterization
J Fritzsch, M Wyrich, J Bogner, S Wagner
2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2021
Experiences from Large-Scale Model Checking: Verifying a Vehicle Control System with NuSMV
J Fritzsch, T Schmid, S Wagner
2021 14th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation …, 2021
From Monolithic Applications to Microservices Guidance on Refactoring Techniques and Result Evaluation
J Fritzsch
Reutlingen University, 2018
Cloud-native architectural characteristics and their impacts on software quality: a validation survey
R Lichtenthaler, J Fritzsch, G Wirtz
2023 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering …, 2023
Towards an architecture-centric methodology for migrating to microservices
J Fritzsch, J Bogner, M Haug, S Wagner, A Zimmermann
International Conference on Agile Software Development, 39-47, 2022
Resist the Hype!: Practical Recommendations to Cope With Résumé-Driven Development
J Fritzsch, M Wyrich, J Bogner, S Wagner
IEEE Software 40 (5), 41-49, 2023
Formal Verification of a Fail-Operational Automotive Driving System
T Schmid, S Schraufstetter, J Fritzsch, D Hellhake, G Koelln, S Wagner
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.07307, 2021
Tools for Refactoring to Microservices: A Preliminary Usability Report
J Fritzsch, F Correia, J Bogner, S Wagner
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.04798, 2023
How do ML practitioners perceive explainability? an interview study of practices and challenges
U Habiba, MK Habib, J Bogner, J Fritzsch, S Wagner
Empirical Software Engineering 30 (1), 18, 2025
Developing a Framework for the Quality-Driven Migration to Microservices: A Multi-Method Design Science Study
J Fritzsch, J Bogner, T Haller, D Koch, A Zimmermann, S Wagner
Available at SSRN 4876284, 0
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