Hopelessness depression: a theory-based subtype of depression. LY Abramson, GI Metalsky, LB Alloy Psychological review 96 (2), 358, 1989 | 6743 | 1989 |
Judgment of contingency in depressed and nondepressed students: Sadder but wiser? LB Alloy, LY Abramson Journal of experimental psychology: General 108 (4), 441, 1979 | 3107 | 1979 |
Attributional style and depressive symptoms among children. MEP Seligman, NJ Kaslow, LB Alloy, C Peterson, RL Tanenbaum, ... Journal of abnormal psychology 93 (2), 235, 1984 | 1350 | 1984 |
Depressive realism: Four theoretical perspectives. LB Alloy, LY Abramson The Guilford Press, 1988 | 1268* | 1988 |
The response styles theory of depression: tests and an extension of the theory. N Just, LB Alloy Journal of abnormal psychology 106 (2), 221, 1997 | 1242 | 1997 |
A roadmap to rumination: A review of the definition, assessment, and conceptualization of this multifaceted construct JM Smith, LB Alloy Clinical psychology review 29 (2), 116-128, 2009 | 1215 | 2009 |
Assessment of covariation by humans and animals: the joint influence of prior expectations and current situational information. LB Alloy, N Tabachnik Psychological review 91 (1), 112, 1984 | 1108 | 1984 |
Rumination as a common mechanism relating depressive risk factors to depression. J Spasojević, LB Alloy Emotion 1 (1), 25, 2001 | 1061 | 2001 |
The Temple-Wisconsin Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression Project: lifetime history of axis I psychopathology in individuals at high and low cognitive risk for depression. LB Alloy, LY Abramson, ME Hogan, WG Whitehouse, DT Rose, ... Journal of abnormal psychology 109 (3), 403, 2000 | 959 | 2000 |
Stress generation in depression: A systematic review of the empirical literature and recommendations for future study RT Liu, LB Alloy Clinical psychology review 30 (5), 582-593, 2010 | 893 | 2010 |
Negative cognitive styles and stress-reactive rumination interact to predict depression: A prospective study MS Robinson, LB Alloy Cognitive Therapy and research 27, 275-291, 2003 | 886 | 2003 |
Automatic and effortful processing in depression. S Hartlage, LB Alloy, C Vázquez, B Dykman Psychological bulletin 113 (2), 247, 1993 | 835 | 1993 |
Comorbidity of anxiety and depressive disorders: a helplessness-hopelessness perspective. LB Alloy, KA Kelly, S Mineka, CM Clements American Psychiatric Association, 1990 | 696 | 1990 |
Prospective incidence of first onsets and recurrences of depression in individuals at high and low cognitive risk for depression. LB Alloy, LY Abramson, WG Whitehouse, ME Hogan, C Panzarella, ... Journal of abnormal psychology 115 (1), 145, 2006 | 673 | 2006 |
Attributional style and the generality of learned helplessness. LB Alloy, C Peterson, LY Abramson, ME Seligman Journal of personality and social psychology 46 (3), 681, 1984 | 662 | 1984 |
Depression and pessimism for the future: biased use of statistically relevant information in predictions for self versus others. LB Alloy, AH Ahrens Journal of personality and social psychology 52 (2), 366, 1987 | 566 | 1987 |
Neural and behavioral substrates of mood and mood regulation RJ Davidson, DA Lewis, LB Alloy, DG Amaral, G Bush, JD Cohen, ... Biological psychiatry 52 (6), 478-502, 2002 | 563 | 2002 |
Depressogenic cognitive styles: Predictive validity, information processing and personality characteristics, and developmental origins LB Alloy, LY Abramson, WG Whitehouse, ME Hogan, NA Tashman, ... Behaviour research and therapy 37 (6), 503-531, 1999 | 557 | 1999 |
The social zeitgeber theory, circadian rhythms, and mood disorders: review and evaluation LD Grandin, LB Alloy, LY Abramson Clinical psychology review 26 (6), 679-694, 2006 | 554 | 2006 |
Cognitive vulnerability-stress models of depression in a self-regulatory and psychobiological context. LY Abramson, LB Alloy, BL Hankin, GJ Haeffel, DG MacCoon, BE Gibb The Guilford Press, 2002 | 517 | 2002 |