Sangkeun Matthew (Matt) Lee
Sangkeun Matthew (Matt) Lee
Computer Scientist, Discrete Algorithms Group, CSED, ORNL
Zweryfikowany adres z ornl.gov - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Solute segregation at the Al/θ′-Al2Cu interface in Al-Cu alloys
D Shin, A Shyam, S Lee, Y Yamamoto, JA Haynes
Acta Materialia 141, 327-340, 2017
Aggregation and data analysis of corrosion studies in molten chloride and fluoride salts
SS Raiman, S Lee
Journal of Nuclear Materials 511, 523-535, 2018
Random walk based entity ranking on graph for multidimensional recommendation
S Lee, S Song, M Kahng, D Lee, S Lee
Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems, 93-100, 2011
Modern data analytics approach to predict creep of high-temperature alloys
D Shin, Y Yamamoto, MP Brady, S Lee, JA Haynes
Acta Materialia 168, 321-330, 2019
Exploiting contextual information from event logs for personalized recommendation
D Lee, SE Park, M Kahng, S Lee, S Lee
Computer and Information Science 2010, 121-139, 2010
PathRank: Ranking nodes on a heterogeneous graph for flexible hybrid recommender systems
S Lee, S Park, M Kahng, S Lee
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (2), 684-697, 2013
Survey and trend analysis of context-aware systems
S Lee, J Chang, S Lee
Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal 14 (2), 527-548, 2011
Session-based collaborative filtering for predicting the next song
SE Park, S Lee, S Lee
2011 First ACIS/JNU International Conference on Computers, Networks, Systems …, 2011
Pathrank: A novel node ranking measure on a heterogeneous graph for recommender systems
S Lee, S Park, M Kahng, S Lee
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and …, 2012
Ranking in context-aware recommender systems
M Kahng, S Lee, S Lee
Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World wide web …, 2011
Exploiting various implicit feedback for collaborative filtering
B Yang, S Lee, S Park, S Lee
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web, 639-640, 2012
Machine learning for thermal transport analysis of aluminum alloys with precipitate morphology
J Wang, A Yousefzadi Nobakht, JD Blanks, D Shin, S Lee, A Shyam, ...
Advanced Theory and Simulations 2 (4), 1800196, 2019
Small Angle Scattering Data Analysis Assisted by Machine Learning Methods
C Do, WR Chen, S Lee
MRS Advances, 1-8, 2020
Advanced data science toolkit for non-data scientists–a user guide
J Peng, S Lee, A Williams, JA Haynes, D Shin
Calphad 68, 101733, 2020
Petascale supercomputing to accelerate the design of high-temperature alloys
D Shin, S Lee, A Shyam, JA Haynes
Science and Technology of advanced MaTerialS 18 (1), 828-838, 2017
Table2Graph: A Scalable Graph Construction From Relational Tables using Map-Reduce
S Lee, SH Lim, BH Park
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE BigDataService, 2015
Hotspots: Failure cascades on heterogeneous critical infrastructure networks
L Chen, X Xu, S Lee, S Duan, AG Tarditi, S Chinthavali, BA Prakash
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge …, 2017
URBAN-NET: A network-based infrastructure monitoring and analysis system for emergency management and public safety
S Lee, L Chen, S Duan, S Chinthavali, M Shankar, BA Prakash
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2600-2609, 2016
COVID-19 pandemic ramifications on residential Smart homes energy use load profiles
S Chinthavali, V Tansakul, S Lee, M Whitehead, A Tabassum, M Bhandari, ...
Energy and Buildings 259, 111847, 2022
Optimizing End-to-End Big Data Transfers over Terabits Network Infrastructure
Y Kim, S Atchley, GR Valle ́e, S Lee, GM Shipman
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS 2016), 2016
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