Bing Li
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Cited by
Colossal barocaloric effects in plastic crystals
B Li, Y Kawakita, S Ohira-Kawamura, T Sugahara, H Wang, J Wang, ...
Nature 567 (7749), 506-510, 2019
(Fe, Ni)/C nanocapsules for electromagnetic-wave-absorber in the whole Ku-band
XG Liu, B Li, DY Geng, WB Cui, F Yang, ZG Xie, DJ Kang, ZD Zhang
Carbon 47 (2), 470-474, 2009
Liquid-like thermal conduction in intercalated layered crystalline solids
B Li, H Wang, Y Kawakita, Q Zhang, M Feygenson, HL Yu, D Wu, K Ohara, ...
Nature materials 17 (3), 226-230, 2018
Giant magnetocaloric effect in the Ising antiferromagnet DySb
WJ Hu, J Du, B Li, Q Zhang, ZD Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 92 (19), 2008
Polar rotor scattering as atomic-level origin of low mobility and thermal conductivity of perovskite CH3NH3PbI3
B Li, Y Kawakita, Y Liu, M Wang, M Matsuura, K Shibata, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 16086, 2017
Magnetocaloric effect in Ho2In over a wide temperature range
Q Zhang, JH Cho, B Li, WJ Hu, ZD Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 94 (18), 2009
Large reversible magnetocaloric effect in Tb3Co compound
B Li, J Du, WJ Ren, WJ Hu, Q Zhang, D Li, ZD Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 92 (24), 2008
Large reversible magnetocaloric effect in TbCoC2 in low magnetic field
B Li, WJ Hu, XG Liu, F Yang, WJ Ren, XG Zhao, ZD Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 92 (24), 2008
Intrinsic electrocaloric effects in ferroelectric poly (vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymers: Roles of order of phase transition and stresses
B Li, WJ Ren, XW Wang, H Meng, XG Liu, ZJ Wang, ZD Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 96 (10), 2010
Low-pressure-induced giant barocaloric effect in an all-d-metal Heusler Ni35. 5Co14. 5Mn35Ti15 magnetic shape memory alloy
Z Wei, Y Shen, Z Zhang, J Guo, B Li, E Liu, Z Zhang, J Liu
APL Materials 8 (5), 2020
Magnetostructural coupling and magnetocaloric effect in Ni–Mn–In
B Li, WJ Ren, Q Zhang, XK Lv, XG Liu, H Meng, J Li, D Li, ZD Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 95 (17), 2009
Revisiting AgCrSe 2 as a promising thermoelectric material
D Wu, S Huang, D Feng, B Li, Y Chen, J Zhang, J He
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (34), 23872-23878, 2016
Understanding colossal barocaloric effects in plastic crystals
FB Li, M Li, X Xu, ZC Yang, H Xu, CK Jia, K Li, J He, B Li, H Wang
Nature Communications 11 (1), 4190, 2020
Colossal negative thermal expansion induced by magnetic phase competition on frustrated lattices in Laves phase compound (Hf,Ta)
B Li, XH Luo, H Wang, WJ Ren, S Yano, CW Wang, JS Gardner, KD Liss, ...
Physical Review B 93 (22), 224405, 2016
Fluorescence and microwave-absorption properties of multi-functional ZnO-coated α-Fe solid-solution nanocapsules
X Liu, D Geng, P Shang, H Meng, F Yang, B Li, D Kang, Z Zhang
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (17), 175006, 2008
Ultrasensitive barocaloric material for room-temperature solid-state refrigeration
Q Ren, J Qi, D Yu, Z Zhang, R Song, W Song, B Yuan, T Wang, W Ren, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2293, 2022
Giant room-temperature barocaloric effect at the electronic phase transition in Ni 1− x Fe x S
J Lin, P Tong, X Zhang, Z Wang, Z Zhang, B Li, G Zhong, J Chen, Y Wu, ...
Materials Horizons 7 (10), 2690-2695, 2020
Colossal barocaloric effect in carboranes as a performance tradeoff
K Zhang, R Song, J Qi, Z Zhang, Z Zhang, C Yu, K Li, Z Zhang, B Li
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (20), 2112622, 2022
Dimer rattling mode induced low thermal conductivity in an excellent acoustic conductor
BLZZ J Qi, B Dong, Zhe Zhang, Zhao Zhang, Y Chen, Q Zhang, S Danilkin, X ...
Nature Communications 11, 5197, 2020
Antiferromagnetic order in and its interplay with superconductivity
A Kreyssig, JM Wilde, AE Böhmer, W Tian, WR Meier, B Li, BG Ueland, ...
Physical Review B 97 (22), 224521, 2018
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