Wiktor Sroka
Wiktor Sroka
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Cited by
Morphine delays and attenuates ticagrelor exposure and action in patients with myocardial infarction: the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled IMPRESSION trial
J Kubica, P Adamski, M Ostrowska, J Sikora, JM Kubica, WD Sroka, ...
European heart journal 37 (3), 245-252, 2016
METoclopramide administration as a strategy to overcome MORPHine-ticagrelOr Interaction in PatientS with Unstable Angina PectorIS—the METAMORPHOSIS trial
J Sikora, P Niezgoda, M Barańska, K Buszko, N Skibińska, W Sroka, ...
Thrombosis and haemostasis 118 (12), 2126-2133, 2018
Enantioselective acetylation of (R, S)-atenolol: The use of Candida rugosa lipases immobilized onto magnetic chitosan nanoparticles in enzyme-catalyzed biotransformation
A Sikora, D Che³miniak-Dudkiewicz, T Siódmiak, A Tarczykowska, ...
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 134, 43-50, 2016
Engrailed-2 protein as a potential urinary prostate cancer biomarker: a comparison study before and after digital rectal examination
MP Marszall, W Sroka, M Adamowski, P Slupski, P Jarzemski, J Siódmiak, ...
European Journal of Cancer Prevention 24 (1), 51-56, 2015
Ionic liquids as mobile phase additives for feasible assay of naphazoline in pharmaceutical formulation by HPTLC–UV–densitometric method
MP Marsza³³, WD Sroka, A Balinowska, D Mieszkowski, M Koba, ...
Journal of chromatographic science 51 (6), 560-565, 2013
Impact of mild therapeutic hypothermia on bioavailability of ticagrelor in patients with acute myocardial infarction after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
JM Umińska, J Ratajczak, K Buszko, P Sobczak, W Sroka, MP Marsza³³, ...
Cardiology Journal 27 (6), 780-788, 2020
Determination of amino acids in urine of patients with prostate cancer and benign prostate growth
WD Sroka, BA Boughton, P Reddy, U Roessner, P S³upski, P Jarzemski, ...
European Journal of Cancer Prevention 26 (2), 131-134, 2017
Tropomyosin-1 protects endothelial cell–cell junctions against cigarette smoke extract through F-actin stabilization in EA. hy926 cell line
M Gagat, D Grzanka, M Izdebska, WD Sroka, MP Marsza³³, A Grzanka
Acta Histochemica 116 (4), 606-618, 2014
Ligand fishing using new chitosan based functionalized Androgen Receptor magnetic particles
MP Marsza³³, WD Sroka, A Sikora, D Che³miniak, M Ziegler-Borowska, ...
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 127, 129-135, 2016
Tropomyosin-1 protects transformed alveolar epithelial cells against cigaret smoke extract through the stabilization of F-actin-dependent cell–cell junctions
M Gagat, D Grzanka, M Izdebska, WD Sroka, M Ha³as-Wi¶niewska, ...
Acta Histochemica 118 (3), 225-235, 2016
Kinetic resolution of (R, S)-atenolol with the use of lipases in various organic solvents
A Sikora, WD Sroka, T Siódmiak, MP Marszall
Current Organic Synthesis 14 (5), 747-754, 2017
Application of HPTLC and LC-MS methods for determination of topiramate in pharmaceutical formulations
M Koba, M Marszall, W Sroka, M Tarczykowska, A Bucinski
Current Pharmaceutical Analysis 8 (1), 44-48, 2012
Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase and hepsin as urinary prostate cancer markers
WD Sroka, M Adamowski, P S³upski, J Siódmiak, P Jarzemski, ...
The International Journal of Biological Markers 30 (4), 401-406, 2015
Does morphine administration affect ticagrelor conversion to its active metabolite in patients with acute myocardial infarction? A sub-analysis of the randomized, double-blind …
P Adamski, M Ostrowska, WD Sroka, MP Marsza³³, E Kolasińska, ...
Medical Research Journal 3 (3), 100-106, 2015
Influence of the anionic part of 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids on the chromatographic behavior of perazine in RP-HPTLC
D Mieszkowski, WD Sroka, MP Marsza³³
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 38 (15), 1499-1506, 2015
Biginelli reaction using propylene carbonate as green solvent: An elegant methodology for the synthesis of dihydropyrimidinones and dihydropyrimidinthiones
A Sikora, WD Sroka, T Siódmiak, MP Marszall
Current Organic Synthesis 14 (5), 715-720, 2017
Determination of lamotrigine in tablets using HPTLC, HPLC, and derivative spectrophotometry methods
M Koba, MP Marsza³³, W Sroka, M T³uchowska, T B±czek
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 36 (4), 537-548, 2013
Ionic liquids as separation enhancers of haloperidol and its two metabolites in high-performance thin-layer chromatography supported with mass spectrometry
D Mieszkowski, WD Sroka, MP Marsza³³
JPC-Journal of Planar Chromatography-Modern TLC 31 (2), 116-121, 2018
ANN as a prognostic tool after treatment of non-seminoma testicular cancer
MP Marsza³³, J Krysiński, WD Sroka, Z Nyczak, M Stefanowicz, ...
Central European Journal of Medicine 7, 672-679, 2012
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Articles 1–19