Discrete time quasicrystals K Giergiel, A Kuroś, K Sacha Physical Review B 99 (22), 220303, 2019 | 72 | 2019 |
Phase diagram and optimal control for n-tupling discrete time crystal A Kuroś, R Mukherjee, W Golletz, F Sauvage, K Giergiel, F Mintert, ... New Journal of Physics 22 (9), 095001, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
Inseparable time-crystal geometries on the Möbius strip K Giergiel, A Kuroś, A Kosior, K Sacha Physical Review Letters 127 (26), 263003, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Entanglement properties of the two-electron quasi-one dimensional Gaussian quantum dot A Kuroś, A Okopińska Few-Body Systems 56, 853-858, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
Determination of resonances by the optimized spectral approach A Kuroś, P Kościk, A Okopińska Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (8), 085303, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
Controlled preparation of phases in two-dimensional time crystals A Kuroś, R Mukherjee, F Mintert, K Sacha Physical Review Research 3 (4), 043203, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Doubly Excited Resonance States of Helium Atom: Complex Entropies A Kuroś, P Kościk, JK Saha Few-Body Systems 57, 1147-1153, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Two-electron resonances in quasi-one dimensional quantum dots with Gaussian confinement A Kuroś, A Okopińska International Journal of Theoretical Physics 54, 4164-4173, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Basis for time crystal phenomena in ultra-cold atoms bouncing on an oscillating mirror W Golletz, A Czarnecki, K Sacha, A Kuroś New Journal of Physics 24 (9), 093002, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Pair-correlation ansatz for the ground state of interacting bosons in an arbitrary one-dimensional potential P Kościk, A Kuroś, A Pieprzycki, T Sowiński Scientific Reports 11 (1), 13168, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Coupled anharmonic oscillators: the Rayleigh–Ritz approach versus the collocation approach A Kuroś, A Okopińska Physica Scripta 83 (1), 015003, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Entanglement properties of bound and resonant few-body states A Kuroś, A Okopińska Advances in Quantum Chemistry 78, 31-55, 2019 | | 2019 |
Splątanie jako charakterystyka stanów układu kilku cząstek w pułapce kwantowej A Kuroś | | 2018 |
Erratum to: Doubly Excited Resonance States of Helium Atom: Complex entropies A Kuroś, P Kościk, JK Saha Few-Body Systems 58, 1-1, 2017 | | 2017 |
Reply to Comment on ‘Coupled anharmonic oscillators: the Rayleigh–Ritz approach versus the collocation approach’ A Kuroś, A Okopińska Physica Scripta 83 (4), 047004, 2011 | | 2011 |