Grzegorz Lesiuk, PhD. DSc. Eng., Associate Professor with Habilitation,
Grzegorz Lesiuk, PhD. DSc. Eng., Associate Professor with Habilitation,
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Cited by
Nonlinear fatigue damage accumulation and life prediction of metals: A comparative study
SP Zhu, YZ Hao, JAF de Oliveira Correia, G Lesiuk, AMP De Jesus
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 42 (6), 1271-1282, 2019
A generalization of the fatigue Kohout-Vìchet model for several fatigue damage parameters
JAFO Correia, P Raposo, M Muniz-Calvente, S Blasón, G Lesiuk, ...
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 185, 284-300, 2017
Reliability analysis based on hybrid algorithm of M5 model tree and Monte Carlo simulation for corroded pipelines: Case of study X60 Steel grade pipes
MAB Seghier, B Keshtegar, JAFO Correia, G Lesiuk, AMP De Jesus
Engineering Failure Analysis 97, 793-803, 2019
Experimental and numerical investigation of mixed mode I+ II and I+ III fatigue crack growth in S355J0 steel
D Rozumek, Z Marciniak, G Lesiuk, JA Correia, AMP de Jesus
International Journal of Fatigue, 2018
Mixed mode (I+ II) fatigue crack growth in puddle iron
G Lesiuk, P Kucharski, JAFO Correia, AMP De Jesus, C Rebelo, ...
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 185, 175-192, 2017
The influence of heat treatment on the behavior of fatigue crack growth in welded joints made of S355 under bending loading
D Rozumek, J Lewandowski, G Lesiuk, JA Correia
International Journal of Fatigue 131, 105328, 2020
Analysis of fatigue crack growth under mixed mode (I+ II) loading conditions in rail steel using CTS specimen
G Lesiuk, M Smolnicki, R Mech, A Ziêty, C Fragassa
Engineering Failure Analysis 109, 104354, 2020
Comparison of fatigue crack growth rate: Pearlitic rail versus bainitic rail
A Królicka, G Lesiuk, K Radwañski, R Kuziak, A Janik, R Mech, T Zygmunt
International Journal of Fatigue 149, 106280, 2021
Mixed mode I/II/III fatigue crack growth in S355 steel
D Rozumek, Z Marciniak, G Lesiuk, J Correia
Procedia Structural Integrity 5, 896-903, 2017
Fatigue resistance curves for single and double shear riveted joints from old Portuguese metallic bridges
B Pedrosa, JAFO Correia, C Rebelo, G Lesiuk, AMP De Jesus, ...
Engineering Failure Analysis 96, 255-273, 2019
Evaluation of multiaxial high-cycle fatigue criteria under proportional loading for S355 steel
R Dantas, J Correia, G Lesiuk, D Rozumek, SP Zhu, A de Jesus, L Susmel, ...
Engineering Failure Analysis 120, 105037, 2021
Influence of loading direction on the static and fatigue fracture properties of the long term operated metallic materials
G Lesiuk, B Rymsza, J Rabiega, JAFO Correia, AMP De Jesus, ...
Engineering Failure Analysis 96, 409-425, 2019
Energy response of S355 and 41Cr4 steel during fatigue crack growth process
G Lesiuk, M Szata, D Rozumek, Z Marciniak, J Correia, A De Jesus
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 53 ( …, 2018
The mechanical properties and the microstructural degradation effect in an old low carbon steels after 100-years operating time
G Lesiuk, M Szata, M Bocian
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 15 (4), 786-797, 2015
Fatigue assessment of EA4T railway axles under artificial surface damage
JW Gao, GZ Dai, QZ Li, MN Zhang, SP Zhu, JAFO Correia, G Lesiuk, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 146, 106157, 2021
Influence of fillet end geometry on fatigue behaviour of welded joints
ALL Da Silva, JAFO Correia, AMP De Jesus, G Lesiuk, AA Fernandes, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 123, 196-212, 2019
Fatigue and damage tolerance assessment of induction hardened S38C axles under different foreign objects
JW Gao, MH Yu, D Liao, SP Zhu, J Han, G Lesiuk, JAFO Correia, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 149, 106276, 2021
Kinetics of fatigue crack growth and crack closure effect in long term operating steel manufactured at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
G Lesiuk, M Szata, JAFO Correia, AMP De Jesus, F Berto
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 185, 160-174, 2017
Algorithms for the estimation of fatigue crack growth using energy method
M Szata, G Lesiuk
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 9 (1), 119-134, 2009
Features of the microstructural and mechanical degradation of long term operated mild steel
H Krechkovska, O Student, G Lesiuk, J Correia
International Journal of Structural Integrity 9 (3), 296-306, 2018
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Articles 1–20