Peter Feaver
Peter Feaver
Zweryfikowany adres z duke.edu
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Armed servants: Agency, oversight, and civil-military relations
PD Feaver
Harvard University Press, 2003
The civil-military problematique: Huntington, Janowitz, and the question of civilian control
PD Feaver
Armed Forces & Society 23 (2), 149-178, 1996
Civil-military relations
PD Feaver
Annual review of political science 2 (1), 211-241, 1999
Choosing your battles: American civil-military relations and the use of force
PD Feaver, C Gelpi
Princeton University Press, 2011
Paying the human costs of war: American public opinion and casualties in military conflicts
C Gelpi, PD Feaver, J Reifler
Princeton University Press, 2009
Success matters: Casualty sensitivity and the war in Iraq
C Gelpi, PD Feaver, J Reifler
International security 30 (3), 7-46, 2005
Foreign policy and the electoral connection
JH Aldrich, C Gelpi, P Feaver, J Reifler, KT Sharp
Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci. 9 (1), 477-502, 2006
Soldiers and civilians: The civil-military gap and American national security
P Feaver, RH Kohn
Mit Press, 2001
Guarding the guardians: Civilian control of nuclear weapons in the United States
PD Feaver
Ithaca, NY (United States); Cornell Univ. Press, 1992
Let's get a second opinion: International institutions and American public support for war
JM Grieco, C Gelpi, J Reifler, PD Feaver
International Studies Quarterly 55 (2), 563-583, 2011
Speak softly and carry a big stick? Veterans in the political elite and the American use of force
C Gelpi, PD Feaver
American Political Science Review 96 (4), 779-793, 2002
Crisis as shirking: An agency theory explanation of the souring of American civil-military relations
PD Feaver
Armed Forces & Society 24 (3), 407-434, 1998
The right to be right: Civil-military relations and the Iraq surge decision
PD Feaver
International Security 35 (4), 87-125, 2011
Command and control in emerging nuclear nations
PD Feaver
International Security 17 (3), 160-187, 1992
Correspondence: Brother, can you spare a paradigm?(or was anybody ever a realist?)
PD Feaver, G Hellman, RL Schweller, JW Taliaferro, WC Wohlforth, ...
The Realism Reader, 518-523, 2014
Iraq the vote: Retrospective and prospective foreign policy judgments on candidate choice and casualty tolerance
C Gelpi, J Reifler, P Feaver
Political Behavior 29, 151-174, 2007
What is grand strategy and why do we need it
P Feaver
Foreign policy 8, 2009, 2009
The gap: Soldiers, civilians and their mutual misunderstanding
PD Feaver, RH Kohn
The National Interest, 29-37, 2000
Elite military cues and public opinion about the use of military force
J Golby, P Feaver, K Dropp
Armed Forces & Society 44 (1), 44-71, 2018
The domestic sources of American foreign policy: insights and evidence
JS Nye Jr, G Rachman, WR Mead, J Mearsheimer, S Walt, PD Feaver, ...
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012
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