Induction cage machine thermal transients under lowered voltage quality P Gnaciński, M Pepliński, D Hallmann, P Jankowski IET Electric Power Applications 13 (4), 479-486, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
A multi-pulse diode rectifier with a coupled three-phase reactor-the design method and results of the simulation and laboratory tests P Mysiak, P Jankowski Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation. Journal 11 (1), 83-92, 2005 | 11 | 2005 |
Applying of thin plate boundary condition in analysis of ship’s magnetic field P Jankowski, M Woloszyn COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Analytic–numerical approach in modeling electrodynamic phenomena of inductive dynamic drive P Jankowski Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 39 (1), 79-86, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Suitability study of hybrid model of electrodynamic actuator P Jankowski, M Woloszyn International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 45 (1-4 …, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Effect of power frequency on the stress state of disc actuator P Jankowski, J Mindykowski, M Woloszyn International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 45 (1-4 …, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Measurement of quantities characterizing the properties of an inductive dynamic drive P Jankowski, J Mindykowski Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 88, 78-82, 2012 | 6 | 2012 |
Wybrane zagadnienia elektrotechniki w środowisku Mathcad P Jankowski Wydawnictwo Akademii Morskiej w Gdynia, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
Simple method of dynamic displacement record of contacts driven by inductive dynamic drive P Jankowski, B Dudojć, J Mindykowski Metrol. Meas. Syst 16 (1), 5-18, 2009 | 6 | 2009 |
Stress analysis of magnetoelastically vibrating disc P JANKOWSKI, S RYMKIEWICZ Acta technica ČSAV 53 (2), 121-139, 2008 | 6 | 2008 |
Ship’s de-perming process using coils lying on seabed M Wołoszyn, P Jankowski Metrology and Measurement Systems 26 (3), 569-579, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Comparison of properties of the new electro-mechanical model and circumferential model of the inductive-dynamic drive P Jankowski, M Woloszyn International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 59 (2), 483-494, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Study of the effect of adiabatic heating on the operation of the electrodynamic actuator P Jankowski, M Woloszyn International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 59 (2), 495-504, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
PSCAD model of the marine sub-system with nonlinear load for power quality assesment A Pilat, T Tarasiuk, P Jankowski 2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 …, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Analysis of ship's magnetic field with consideration of inner ferromagnetic devices P Jankowski, M Woloszyn 2017 18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics …, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Simulation of ship's deperming process using Opera 3D M Woloszyn, P Jankowski 2017 18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics …, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Badanie wpływu subharmonicznych napięcia na pracę transformatora jednofazowego P Gnaciński, D Hallmann, P Jankowski Maszyny Elektryczne: zeszyty problemowe, 173--178, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
The study of chaotic behaviour in the marine power system containing nonlinear varying load P Jankowski, A Pilat, T Tarasiuk 2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power …, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Badanie wpływu subharmonicznych na pracę transformatora jednofazowego w stanie obciążenia P Gnaciński, D Hallmann, P Jankowski Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni, 41--49, 2014 | | 2014 |
Implementacja wybranych metod analizy stanów nieustalonych w środowisku Mathcad P Jankowski Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni, 26--40, 2014 | | 2014 |