Sune Linder
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Cited by
The global carbon cycle: a test of our knowledge of earth as a system
P Falkowski, RJ Scholes, EEA Boyle, J Canadell, D Canfield, J Elser, ...
science 290 (5490), 291-296, 2000
The likely impact of elevated [CO2], nitrogen deposition, increased temperature and management on carbon sequestration in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems: a literature …
R Hyvönen, GI Ågren, S Linder, T Persson, MF Cotrufo, A Ekblad, ...
New Phytologist. 173 (3): 463-480. 173 (3), 463-480, 2007
The terrestrial carbon cycle: implications for the Kyoto Protocol
IGBP Terrestrial Carbon Working Group, W Steffen, I Noble, J Canadell, ...
Science 280 (5368), 1393-1394, 1998
Net primary production and carbon allocation patterns of boreal forest ecosystems
ST Gower, O Krankina, RJ Olson, M Apps, S Linder, C Wang
Ecological applications 11 (5), 1395-1411, 2001
Constraints to growth of boreal forests
P Jarvis, S Linder
Nature 405 (6789), 904-905, 2000
Foliar analysis for detecting and correcting nutrient imbalances in Norway spruce
S Linder
Ecological bulletins, 178-190, 1995
Simple additive effects are rare: a quantitative review of plant biomass and soil process responses to combined manipulations of CO2 and temperature
WIJ Dieleman, S Vicca, FA Dijkstra, F Hagedorn, MJ Hovenden, ...
Global change biology 18 (9), 2681-2693, 2012
Quantification of effects of season and nitrogen supply on tree below‐ground carbon transfer to ectomycorrhizal fungi and other soil organisms in a boreal pine forest
MN Högberg, MJI Briones, SG Keel, DB Metcalfe, C Campbell, ...
New phytologist 187 (2), 485-493, 2010
The effect of water and nutrient availability on the productivity of Norway spruce in northern and southern Sweden
J Bergh, S Linder, T Lundmark, B Elfving
Forest ecology and management 119 (1-3), 51-62, 1999
The response of heterotrophic CO2 flux to soil warming
PE Eliasson, RE McMurtrie, DA Pepper, M Strömgren, S Linder, GI Ågren
Global Change Biology 11 (1), 167-181, 2005
Modeled interactive effects of precipitation, temperature, and [CO2] on ecosystem carbon and water dynamics in different climatic zones
Y Luo, D Gerten, G Le Maire, WJ Parton, E Weng, X Zhou, C Keough, ...
Global Change Biology 14 (9), 1986-1999, 2008
High temporal resolution tracing of photosynthate carbon from the tree canopy to forest soil microorganisms
P Högberg, MN Högberg, SG Göttlicher, NR Betson, SG Keel, ...
New Phytologist 177 (1), 220-228, 2008
Fertilization of boreal forest reduces both autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration
P Olsson, S Linder, R Giesler, P Högberg
Global change biology 11 (10), 1745-1753, 2005
Impact of long-term nitrogen addition on carbon stocks in trees and soils in northern Europe
R Hyvönen, T Persson, S Andersson, B Olsson, GI Ågren, S Linder
Biogeochemistry 89, 121-137, 2008
Potential and actual production in Australian forest stands.
S Linder
FAST: Simulation models of gaseous exchange in Scots pine
T Lohammar, S Larsson, S Linder, SO Falk
Ecological Bulletins, 505-523, 1980
Performance of the LAI-2000 plant canopy analyzer in estimating leaf area index of some Scots pine stands
P Stenberg, S Linder, H Smolander, J Flower-Ellis
Tree Physiology 14 (7-8-9), 981-995, 1994
Are ectomycorrhizal fungi alleviating or aggravating nitrogen limitation of tree growth in boreal forests?
T Näsholm, P Högberg, O Franklin, D Metcalfe, SG Keel, C Campbell, ...
New Phytologist 198 (1), 214-221, 2013
Feedback interactions between needle litter decomposition and rhizosphere activity
JA Subke, V Hahn, G Battipaglia, S Linder, N Buchmann, MF Cotrufo
Oecologia 139, 551-559, 2004
Effects of mineral nutrition on carbon dioxide exchange and partitioning of carbon in trees.
S Linder, DA Rook
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Articles 1–20