Sissel Brit Ranneklev
Cited by
Cited by
Microplastics in road dust–characteristics, pathways and measures
C Vogelsang, A Lusher, ME Dadkhah, I Sundvor, M Umar, SB Ranneklev, ...
NIVA-rapport, 2019
Passive sampling for target and nontarget analyses of moderately polar and nonpolar substances in water
IJ Allan, C Harman, SB Ranneklev, KV Thomas, M Grung
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 32 (8), 1718-1726, 2013
Moving forward in microplastic research: a Norwegian perspective
AL Lusher, R Hurley, HPH Arp, AM Booth, ILN Bråte, GW Gabrielsen, ...
Environment International 157, 106794, 2021
Temperature-driven adaptation of the bacterial community in peat measured by using thymidine and leucine incorporation
SB Ranneklev, E Bååth
Applied and environmental microbiology 67 (3), 1116-1122, 2001
Use of phospholipid fatty acids to detect previous self-heating events in stored peat
SB Ranneklev, E Bååth
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (6), 3532-3539, 2003
PAH related effects on fish in sedimentation ponds for road runoff and potential transfer of PAHs from sediment to biota
M Grung, K Petersen, E Fjeld, I Allan, JH Christensen, LMV Malmqvist, ...
Science of the total environment 566, 1309-1317, 2016
Identification of non-regulated polycyclic aromatic compounds and other markers of urban pollution in road tunnel particulate matter
M Grung, A Kringstad, K Bæk, IJ Allan, KV Thomas, S Meland, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 323, 36-44, 2017
The impact of acid treatment on soilwater chemistry at the HUMEX site
RD Vogt, SB Ranneklev, TC Mykkelbost
Environment International 20 (3), 277-286, 1994
PAH accessibility in particulate matter from road-impacted environments
IJ Allan, SG O’Connell, S Meland, K Bæk, M Grung, KA Anderson, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (15), 7964-7972, 2016
Screening for Stockholm Convention persistent organic pollutants in the Bosna River (Bosnia and Herzogovina)
C Harman, M Grung, J Djedjibegovic, A Marjanovic, M Sober, K Sinanovic, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 185, 1671-1683, 2013
Occurrence of PAHs and PCBs in the Alna River, Oslo (Norway)
IJ Allan, SB Ranneklev
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13 (9), 2420-2426, 2011
Mobility of humic substances, major and minor elements in lake Skjervatjern and its catchment area
G Riise, B Salbu, RD Vogt, SB Ranneklev, TC Mykkelbost
Environment international 20 (3), 287-298, 1994
Soil and soil water studies at the HUMEX site
RD Vogt, HM Seip, S Ranneklev
Environment international 18 (6), 555-564, 1992
Microplastics removal from a plastic recycling industrial wastewater using sand filtration
M Umar, C Singdahl-Larsen, SB Ranneklev
Water 15 (5), 896, 2023
Occurrence and trophic transport of organic compounds in sedimentation ponds for road runoff
M Grung, S Meland, A Ruus, S Ranneklev, E Fjeld, A Kringstad, ...
Science of the Total Environment 751, 141808, 2021
Microplastics in Road Dust—Characteristics
C Vogelsang, AL Lusher, ME Dadkhah, I Sundvor, M Umar, ...
Pathways and Measures 7361, 2018
In vivo and in vitro effects of tunnel wash water and traffic related contaminants on aquatic organisms
K Petersen, K Bæk, M Grung, S Meland, SB Ranneklev
Chemosphere 164, 363-371, 2016
An assessment of Hg in the freshwater aquatic environment related to long-range transported air pollution in Europe and North America
SB Ranneklev, HA de Wit, M Jenssen, BL Skjelkvåle
The Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT) United Nations Economic …, 2009
Kartlegging av miljøgifter i Alna og Akerselva
S Ranneklev, I Allan, EK Enge
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 2009
Forslag til nye retningslinjer for rensing av veiavrenning og tunnelvaskevann
S Meland, SB Ranneklev, T Hertel-Aas
Vann, 2016
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Articles 1–20