Alfredini, P.; Alfredini, Paolo; Paolo Alfredini; P. Alfredini
Alfredini, P.; Alfredini, Paolo; Paolo Alfredini; P. Alfredini
Full Professor of Maritime and Fluvial Hydraulic Works of São Paulo University
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Cited by
Cited by
Obras e gestão de portos e costas: a técnica aliada ao enfoque logístico e ambiental
P Alfredini, E Arasaki
Engenharia Portuária
P Alfredini, E Arasaki
Exposure of Santos Harbor metropolitan area (Brazil) to wave and storm surge climate changes
P Alfredini, E Arasaki, A Pezzoli, M Arcorace, E Cristofori, WC de Sousa Jr
Water Quality, Exposure and Health 6 (1), 73-88, 2014
Modelação hidrossedimentológica no canal de acesso do complexo portuário do Maranhão
RF do Amaral, P Alfredini
Diretoria da ABRH, 5, 2010
Impacts of climate change on management policy of the harbors, land areas and wetlands in the Sao Paolo State Coastline (Brazil).
A Pezzoli, P Alfredini, E Arasaki, M Rosso, WC de Sousa
Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting 1 (1), 1-7, 2013
O cálculo do transporte de sedimentos litorâneo: estudo de caso das praias de Suarão e Cibratel, Município de Itanhaém, São Paulo
RN Araújo, P Alfredini
Dissertação (Mestrado), Escola Politécnica da USP, São Paulo, 2000
Impact of climate changes on the santos harbor, são paulo state (Brazil)
P Alfredini, E Arasaki, A Pezzoli, J Fournier
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2013
Os efeitos no ambiente marinho da elevação do nível do mar em regiões da Baixada Santista, Brasil
E Arasaki, P Alfredini, RF Amaral, CC Lamparelli
Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos 13 (2), 165-175, 2008
Extreme events assessment methodology coupling debris flow, flooding and tidal levels in the coastal floodplain of the São Paulo North Coast (Brazil).
RO Sakai, DL Cartacho, E Arasaki, P Alfredini, A Pezzoli, ...
Extreme events assessment methodology coupling rainfall and tidal levels in the coastal flood plain of the São Paulo North Coast (Brazil) for engineering projects purposes
A Pezzoli, DL Cartacho, E Arasaki, P Alfredini, RO Sakai
J Climatol Weather Forecasting 1 (103), 2, 2013
Estimation and impacts of sea level rise in Santos Port and adjacent areas (Brazil)
P Alfredini, E Arasaki
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2018
Wave and tidal level analysis, maritime climate change, navigation's strategy and impact on the costal defences-Study case of São Paulo State Coastline Harbour Areas (Brazil)
P Alfredini, A Pezzoli, EI Cristofori, A Dovetta, E Arasaki
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10735, 2012
Preparo de bases batimétricas, de agitação e circulação para o litoral do estado de São Paulo
PD Garcia, RN Araújo, GC SILVA, SC Baptistelli, P Alfredini
Boletim Técnico da Escola Politécnica da USP. BT/PMI, Escola Politécnica da …, 2002
Santos sea outfall wastewater dispersion process: Physical modeling evaluation
P Alfredini, E Arasaki, JC de Melo Bernardino
Journal of Coastal Research 33 (1), 173-190, 2017
Behavior of Sea Level in the Period of 1980 to 2017 on the Port Area of Gulf of Maranhão, Brazil
P Alfredini, E Arasaki, E Fortner
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2021
Modelação Numérica da Circulação de Correntes de Maré e Induzidas pelo Vento Aplicada a Estudos de Disposição Oceânica de Efluentes na Praia Grande–São Paulo
SC Baptistelli, P Alfredini
Anais do II Congresso sobre Planejamento e Gestão da Zona Costeira dos …, 2003
The longshore transport evaluation used as a tool for the brazilian coastline littoral processes knowledge
P Alfredini
Anais do VII Congresso Brasileiro da Associação Brasileira de Estudos do …, 1999
Physical modeling applied in evaluation of the safety and efficiency of vessel mooring plans
R Esferra, JCM Bernardino, P Alfredini
RBRH 23, e33, 2018
Santos submarine outfall wastewater dispersion process: physical and computer modelling evaluation
JP Ortiz, P Alfredini, E Arasaki
Proceedings of the FLUCOME 2007, 2007
Fluid Mud and Nautical Bottom–Concept and Application in Itajaí Port Complex (Brazil)
LM Pion, P Alfredini
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2019
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Articles 1–20