Darwin Alulema
Darwin Alulema
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An IoT-based remote monitoring system for electrical power consumption via web-application
D Alulema, M Zapata, MA Zapata
2018 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science …, 2018
System for monitoring natural disasters using natural language processing in the social network Twitter
M Maldonado, D Alulema, D Morocho, M Proano
2016 IEEE international carnahan conference on security technology (ICCST), 1-6, 2016
La televisión digital terrestre en el ecuador es interactiva
D Alulema
Eídos, 12-19, 2012
Analysis of attack and protection systems in Wi-Fi wireless networks under the Linux operating system
A Yacchirena, D Alulema, D Aguilar, D Morocho, F Encalada, E Granizo
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA), 1-7, 2016
Study, design and construction of a 3D printer implemented through a delta robot
R Celi, A Sempértegui, D Morocho, D Loza, D Alulema, M Proaño
2015 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information …, 2015
A model-driven engineering approach for the service integration of IoT systems
D Alulema, J Criado, L Iribarne, AJ Fernández-García, R Ayala
Cluster Computing 23 (3), 1937-1954, 2020
SI4IoT: A methodology based on models and services for the integration of IoT systems
D Alulema, J Criado, L Iribarne, AJ Fernández-García, R Ayala
Future Generation Computer Systems 143, 132-151, 2023
A model-driven approach for the integration of hardware nodes in the IoT
D Alulema, J Criado, L Iribarne
New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 1, 801-811, 2019
A DSL for the development of heterogeneous applications
D Alulema, L Iribarne, J Criado
2017 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud …, 2017
Signature Recognition: Human performance analysis vs. automatic system and feature extraction via crowdsourcing
D Morocho, M Proaño, D Alulema, A Morales, J Fierrez
Pattern Recognition: 8th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2016, Guanajuato, Mexico …, 2016
Electromechanical prototype used for physical deployment of Braille characters for digital documents
C Guerra, D Novillo, D Alulema, H Ortiz, D Morocho, A Ibarra
2015 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information …, 2015
A Cross-Device Architecture for Modelling Authentication Features in IoT Applications.
D Alulema, J Criado, L Iribarne
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 24 (12), 1758-1775, 2018
Development and implementation of an application that translates the alphabet and the numbers from 1 to 10 from sign language to text to help hearing impaired by Android mobile …
MG Vintimilla, D Alulema, D Morocho, M Proano, F Encalada, E Granizo
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA), 1-5, 2016
A portable electronic system for health monitoring of elderly people
GP Guano, D Alulema, EV Carrera
IEEE Colombian Conference on Communication and Computing (IEEE COLCOM 2015), 1-6, 2015
Development and verification of a verbal corpus based on natural language for Ecuadorian dialect
WG Aguilar, D Alulema, A Limaico, D Sandoval
2017 IEEE 11th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 515-519, 2017
Design and construction of an anthropomorphic robotic arm of seven degrees of freedom with kinematic and dynamic analysis based on genetic algorithms
A Sánchez, A Terán, A Ibarra, L Abatta, D Alulema, D Morocho, ...
2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA), 1-8, 2016
Design and implementation of an oximetry monitoring device
PL Flavio, A Darwin, S Jenny, M Derlin, I Alexander
2015 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information …, 2015
Relation between programming visual learning with VILEP and students’ emotions
D Alulema, M Paredes-Velasco
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 16 (1), 36-44, 2021
Diseño e implementación de algoritmos de control inteligente para un robot Phoenix tipo hexápodo mediante la tarjeta STM32F4 discovery y simulink de matlab
CA Andino Alberca, DX Rodríguez Sánchez
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Matriz Sangolquí, 2016
Prototype for measuring blood pressure on the Android platform for mobile devices
PL Flavio, A Darwin, V Mauricio, G Edwin, M Derlin
2015 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information …, 2015
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Articles 1–20