Janusz Jezewski
Janusz Jezewski
Institute of Medical Technology and Equipment
Zweryfikowany adres z itam.zabrze.pl
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Determination of fetal heart rate from abdominal signals: evaluation of beat-to-beat accuracy in relation to the direct fetal electrocardiogram
J Jezewski, A Matonia, T Kupka, D Roj, R Czabanski
Biomedical Engineering /Biomedizinische Technik, 2012, 57 (5), 383-394, 2012
Comparison of Doppler ultrasound and direct electrocardiography acquisition techniques for quantification of fetal heart rate variability
J Jezewski, J Wrobel, K Horoba
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 53 (5), 855-864, 2006
Quantitative analysis of contraction patterns in electrical activity signal of pregnant uterus as an alternative to mechanical approach
J Jezewski, K Horoba, A Matonia, J Wrobel
Physiological measurement 26 (5), 753, 2005
Comparative effectiveness of ICA and PCA in extraction of fetal ECG from abdominal signals: Toward non-invasive fetal monitoring
R Martinek, R Kahankova, J Jezewski, R Jaros, J Mohylova, M Fajkus, ...
Frontiers in physiology 9, 648, 2018
Non-invasive fetal monitoring: A maternal surface ECG electrode placement-based novel approach for optimization of adaptive filter control parameters using the LMS and RLS …
R Martinek, R Kahankova, H Nazeran, J Konecny, J Jezewski, P Janku, ...
Sensors 17 (5), 1154, 2017
A novel technique for fetal heart rate estimation from Doppler ultrasound signal
J Jezewski, D Roj, J Wrobel, K Horoba
Biomedical engineering online 10, 1-17, 2011
Fetal electrocardiograms, direct and abdominal with reference heartbeat annotations
A Matonia, J Jezewski, T Kupka, M Jezewski, K Horoba, J Wrobel, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 200, 2020
Computerized analysis of fetal heart rate signals as the predictor of neonatal acidemia
R Czabanski, J Jezewski, A Matonia, M Jezewski
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (15), 11846-11860, 2012
The influence of coincidence of fetal and maternal QRS complexes on fetal heart rate reliability
A Matonia, J Jezewski, T Kupka, K Horoba, J Wrobel, A Gacek
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 44, 393-403, 2006
Towards noise immune detection of fetal QRS complexes
M Kotas, J Jezewski, A Matonia, T Kupka
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 97 (3), 241-256, 2010
Detection of atrial fibrillation episodes in long-term heart rhythm signals using a support vector machine
R Czabanski, K Horoba, J Wrobel, A Matonia, R Martinek, T Kupka, ...
Sensors 20 (3), 765, 2020
Application of spatio-temporal filtering to fetal electrocardiogram enhancement
M Kotas, J Jezewski, K Horoba, A Matonia
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 104 (1), 1-9, 2011
Predicting the Risk of Low-Fetal Birth Weight From Cardiotocographic Signals Using ANBLIR System With Deterministic Annealing and ${\bm\varepsilon} $-Insensitive Learning
R Czabanski, M Jezewski, J Wrobel, J Jezewski, K Horoba
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 14 (4), 1062-1074, 2010
The maternal ECG suppression algorithm for efficient extraction of the fetal ECG from abdominal signal
A Matonia, J Jezewski, K Horoba, A Gacek, P Labaj
2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2006
Is abdominal fetal electrocardiography an alternative to doppler ultrasound for FHR variability evaluation?
J Jezewski, J Wrobel, A Matonia, K Horoba, R Martinek, T Kupka, ...
Frontiers in physiology 8, 305, 2017
Fetal state assessment using fuzzy analysis of fetal heart rate signals—Agreement with the neonatal outcome
R Czabański, J Jeżewski, K Horoba, M Jeżewski
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 33 (3), 145-155, 2013
Algorithm for detection of uterine contractions from electrohysterogram
K Horoba, J Jezewski, J Wrobel, S Graczyk
2001 Conference Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of …, 2001
Improving fetal heart rate signal interpretation by application of myriad filtering
J Wróbel, K Horoba, T Pander, J Jeżewski, R Czabański
Biocybernetics and biomedical engineering 33 (4), 211-221, 2013
Centralised fetal monitoring system with hardware-based data flow control
J Jezewski, J Wrobel, K Horobal, T Kupka, A Matonia
IET Digital Library, 2006
Early predicting a risk of preterm labour by analysis of antepartum electrohysterograhic signals
K Horoba, J Jezewski, A Matonia, J Wrobel, R Czabanski, M Jezewski
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 36 (4), 574-583, 2016
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