Michael Vassilakopoulos
Michael Vassilakopoulos
Dept.of Electrical & Computer Eng., U. of Thessaly, GR
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Cited by
Closest pair queries in spatial databases
A Corral, Y Manolopoulos, Y Theodoridis, M Vassilakopoulos
ACM SIGMOD Record 29 (2), 189-200, 2000
Algorithms for processing k-closest-pair queries in spatial databases
A Corral, Y Manolopoulos, Y Theodoridis, M Vassilakopoulos
Data & Knowledge Engineering 49 (1), 67-104, 2004
Overlapping linear quadtrees: a spatio-temporal access method
T Tzouramanis, M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos
Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic …, 1998
On the generation of time-evolving regional data
T Tzouramanis, M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos
GeoInformatica 6, 207-231, 2002
Spatial databases: technologies, techniques and trends
Y Manolopoulos, AN Papadopoulos, MG Vassilakopoulos
Igi Global, 2005
Overlapping linear quadtrees and spatio-temporal query processing
T Tzouramanis, M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos
The Computer Journal 43 (4), 325-325, 2000
Multiversion linear quadtree for spatio-temporal data
T Tzouramanis, M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos
East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems …, 2000
Overlapping quadtrees for the representation of similar images
M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos, K Economou
Image and Vision Computing 11 (5), 257-262, 1993
Dynamic inverted quadtree: A structure for pictorial databases
M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos
Information Systems 20 (6), 483-500, 1995
Algorithms for joining R-trees and linear region quadtrees
A Corral, M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos
International Symposium on Spatial Databases, 251-269, 1999
Large language models versus natural language understanding and generation
N Karanikolas, E Manga, N Samaridi, E Tousidou, M Vassilakopoulos
Proceedings of the 27th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Progress in Computing and …, 2023
Ant colony optimization and data mining
I Michelakos, N Mallios, E Papageorgiou, M Vassilakopoulos
Next Generation Data Technologies for Collective Computational Intelligence …, 2011
Efficient query processing on large spatial databases: a performance study
G Roumelis, M Vassilakopoulos, A Corral, Y Manolopoulos
Journal of Systems and Software 132, 165-185, 2017
External balanced regular (x-BR) trees: new structures for very large spatial databases
M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos
Advances In Informatics, 324-333, 2000
Improving distance-join query processing with voronoi-diagram based partitioning in spatialhadoop
F García-García, A Corral, L Iribarne, M Vassilakopoulos
Future Generation Computer Systems 111, 723-740, 2020
Efficient distance join query processing in distributed spatial data management systems
F García-García, A Corral, L Iribarne, M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos
Information Sciences 512, 985-1008, 2020
Efficient processing of all-k-nearest-neighbor queries in the MapReduce programming framework
P Moutafis, G Mavrommatis, M Vassilakopoulos, S Sioutas
Data & Knowledge Engineering 121, 42-70, 2019
Optimization of the algorithm for image retrieval by color features
I Valova, B Rachev, M Vassilakopoulos
International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies-CompSysTech, 1-4, 2006
Efficient large-scale distance-based join queries in spatialhadoop
F García-García, A Corral, L Iribarne, M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos
GeoInformatica 22, 171-209, 2018
New plane-sweep algorithms for distance-based join queries in spatial databases
G Roumelis, A Corral, M Vassilakopoulos, Y Manolopoulos
GeoInformatica 20, 571-628, 2016
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Articles 1–20