Giovanni Di Giuseppe
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Cited by
Bell's measure in classical optical coherence
KH Kagalwala, G Di Giuseppe, AF Abouraddy, BEA Saleh
Nature Photonics 7 (1), 72-78, 2013
Single-mode generation of quantum photon states by excited single molecules in a microcavity trap
F De Martini, G Di Giuseppe, M Marrocco
Physical review letters 76 (6), 900, 1996
Optomechanically induced transparency in a membrane-in-the-middle setup at room temperature
M Karuza, C Biancofiore, M Bawaj, C Molinelli, M Galassi, R Natali, ...
Physical Review A 88 (1), 013804, 2013
Anderson localization in optical waveguide arrays with off-diagonal coupling disorder
L Martin, G Di Giuseppe, A Perez-Leija, R Keil, F Dreisow, M Heinrich, ...
Optics express 19 (14), 13636-13646, 2011
Probing deformed commutators with macroscopic harmonic oscillators
M Bawaj, C Biancofiore, M Bonaldi, F Bonfigli, A Borrielli, G Di Giuseppe, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7503, 2015
Robust stationary mechanical squeezing in a kicked quadratic optomechanical system
M Asjad, GS Agarwal, MS Kim, P Tombesi, G Di Giuseppe, D Vitali
Physical Review A 89 (2), 023849, 2014
Quantum interference and indistinguishability with femtosecond pulses
G Di Giuseppe, L Haiberger, F De Martini, AV Sergienko
Physical Review A 56 (1), R21, 1997
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen spatial entanglement in ordered and Anderson photonic lattices
G Di Giuseppe, L Martin, A Perez-Leija, R Keil, F Dreisow, S Nolte, ...
Physical review letters 110 (15), 150503, 2013
Effective fiber-coupling of entangled photons for quantum communication
FA Bovino, P Varisco, AM Colla, G Castagnoli, G Di Giuseppe, ...
Optics Communications 227 (4-6), 343-348, 2003
Counterpropagating entangled photons from a waveguide with periodic nonlinearity
MC Booth, M Atatüre, G Di Giuseppe, BEA Saleh, AV Sergienko, ...
Physical Review A 66 (2), 023815, 2002
Experimental inhibition of decoherence on flying qubits via “bang-bang” control
S Damodarakurup, M Lucamarini, G Di Giuseppe, D Vitali, P Tombesi
Physical review letters 103 (4), 040502, 2009
Experimental test of the violation of local realism in quantum mechanics without Bell inequalities
G Di Giuseppe, F De Martini, D Boschi
Physical Review A 56 (1), 176, 1997
Two-membrane cavity optomechanics
P Piergentili, L Catalini, M Bawaj, S Zippilli, N Malossi, R Natali, D Vitali, ...
New Journal of Physics 20 (8), 083024, 2018
Enhancing sideband cooling by feedback-controlled light
M Rossi, N Kralj, S Zippilli, R Natali, A Borrielli, G Pandraud, E Serra, ...
Physical review letters 119 (12), 123603, 2017
Single-photon three-qubit quantum logic using spatial light modulators
KH Kagalwala, G Di Giuseppe, AF Abouraddy, BEA Saleh
Nature communications 8 (1), 739, 2017
Tunable linear and quadratic optomechanical coupling for a tilted membrane within an optical cavity: theory and experiment
M Karuza, M Galassi, C Biancofiore, C Molinelli, R Natali, P Tombesi, ...
Journal of Optics 15 (2), 025704, 2012
Direct observation of photon pairs at a single output port of a beam-splitter interferometer
G Di Giuseppe, M Atatüre, MD Shaw, AV Sergienko, BEA Saleh, ...
Physical Review A 68 (6), 063817, 2003
Optomechanical sideband cooling of a thin membrane within a cavity
M Karuza, C Molinelli, M Galassi, C Biancofiore, R Natali, P Tombesi, ...
New Journal of Physics 14 (9), 095015, 2012
Quantum dynamics of an optical cavity coupled to a thin semitransparent membrane: Effect of membrane absorption
C Biancofiore, M Karuza, M Galassi, R Natali, P Tombesi, G Di Giuseppe, ...
Physical Review A 84 (3), 033814, 2011
Experimental test of two-way quantum key distribution in the presence of controlled noise
A Cere, M Lucamarini, G Di Giuseppe, P Tombesi
Physical review letters 96 (20), 200501, 2006
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Articles 1–20