Rory Hadden
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Cited by
A review of factors affecting the burning behaviour of wood for application to tall timber construction
AI Bartlett, RM Hadden, LA Bisby
Fire Technology 55, 1-49, 2019
Baseline intrinsic flammability of Earth’s ecosystems estimated from paleoatmospheric oxygen over the past 350 million years
CM Belcher, JM Yearsley, RM Hadden, JC McElwain, G Rein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (52), 22448-22453, 2010
Ignition of combustible fuel beds by hot particles: an experimental and theoretical study
RM Hadden, S Scott, C Lautenberger, AC Fernandez-Pello
Fire technology 47, 341-355, 2011
Effects of exposed cross laminated timber on compartment fire dynamics
RM Hadden, AI Bartlett, JP Hidalgo, S Santamaria, F Wiesner, LA Bisby, ...
Fire Safety Journal 91, 480-489, 2017
Study of the competing chemical reactions in the initiation and spread of smouldering combustion in peat
RM Hadden, G Rein, CM Belcher
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2), 2547-2553, 2013
Smouldering combustion as a treatment technology for faeces: exploring the parameter space
L Yermán, RM Hadden, J Carrascal, I Fabris, D Cormier, JL Torero, ...
Fuel 147, 108-116, 2015
Investigation of firebrand production during prescribed fires conducted in a pine forest
A Filkov, S Prohanov, E Mueller, D Kasymov, P Martynov, M El Houssami, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 3263-3270, 2017
Pyrolysis and ignition of a polymer by transient irradiation
I Vermesi, N Roenner, P Pironi, RM Hadden, G Rein
Combustion and Flame 163, 31-41, 2016
Structural response of fire-exposed cross-laminated timber beams under sustained loads
SA Lineham, D Thomson, AI Bartlett, LA Bisby, RM Hadden
Fire Safety Journal 85, 23-34, 2016
Investigation of firebrand generation from an experimental fire: Development of a reliable data collection methodology
JC Thomas, EV Mueller, S Santamaria, M Gallagher, M El Houssami, ...
Fire Safety Journal 91, 864-871, 2017
Structural capacity in fire of laminated timber elements in compartments with exposed timber surfaces
F Wiesner, LA Bisby, AI Bartlett, JP Hidalgo, S Santamaria, S Deeny, ...
Engineering Structures 179, 284-295, 2019
Smouldering fire signatures in peat and their implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
C Zaccone, G Rein, V D’Orazio, RM Hadden, CM Belcher, TM Miano
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 137, 134-146, 2014
Spot fire ignition of natural fuel beds by hot metal particles, embers, and sparks
AC Fernandez-Pello, C Lautenberger, D Rich, C Zak, J Urban, R Hadden, ...
Combustion science and technology 187 (1-2), 269-295, 2015
Auto-extinction of engineered timber: Application to compartment fires with exposed timber surfaces
AI Bartlett, RM Hadden, JP Hidalgo, S Santamaria, F Wiesner, LA Bisby, ...
Fire Safety Journal 91, 407-413, 2017
Propagation probability and spread rates of self-sustained smouldering fires under controlled moisture content and bulk density conditions
N Prat-Guitart, G Rein, RM Hadden, CM Belcher, JM Yearsley
International Journal of Wildland Fire 25 (4), 456-465, 2016
Analysis of cross-laminated timber charring rates upon exposure to non-standard heating conditions
A Bartlett, R Hadden, L Bisby, A Law
Fire Mater, 667-681, 2015
Radiant ignition of polyurethane foam: the effect of sample size
R Hadden, A Alkatib, G Rein, JL Torero
Fire Technology 50 (3), 673-691, 2014
Experimental and numerical studies characterizing the burning dynamics of wildland fuels
M El Houssami, JC Thomas, A Lamorlette, D Morvan, M Chaos, ...
Combustion and Flame 168, 113-126, 2016
Remediation of trichloroethylene-contaminated soils by star technology using vegetable oil smoldering
M Salman, JI Gerhard, DW Major, P Pironi, R Hadden
Journal of Hazardous Materials 285, 346-355, 2015
Utilization of remote sensing techniques for the quantification of fire behavior in two pine stands
EV Mueller, N Skowronski, K Clark, M Gallagher, R Kremens, JC Thomas, ...
Fire Safety Journal 91, 845-854, 2017
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Articles 1–20