Sorin Daniel Micu
Sorin Daniel Micu
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Cited by
Boundary controllability of a linear semi-discrete 1-D wave equation derived from a mixed finite element method
C Castro, S Micu
Numerische Mathematik 102 (3), 413-462, 2006
An introduction to the controllability of partial differential equations
S Micu, E Zuazua
Quelques questions de théorie du contrôle. Sari, T., ed., Collection Travaux …, 2004
On the lack of null-controllability of the heat equation on the half-line
S Micu, E Zuazua
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 353 (4), 1635-1659, 2001
Uniform boundary controllability of a semi-discrete 1-D wave equation
S Micu
Numerische Mathematik 91, 723-768, 2002
On the controllability of a fractional order parabolic equation
S Micu, E Zuazua
SIAM journal on Control and Optimization 44 (6), 1950-1972, 2006
On the controllability of the linearized Benjamin--Bona--Mahony equation
S Micu
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 39 (6), 1677-1696, 2001
On the lack of null-controllability of the heat equation on the half space
S Micu, E Zuazua
Portugaliae Mathematica 58 (1), 1-24, 2001
Boundary controllability of a linear hybrid systemarising in the control of noise
S Micu, E Zuazua
SIAM journal on control and optimization 35 (5), 1614-1637, 1997
Time optimal boundary controls for the heat equation
S Micu, I Roventa, M Tucsnak
Journal of Functional Analysis 263 (1), 25-49, 2012
Numerical approximation of the boundary control for the wave equation with mixed finite elements in a square
C Castro, S Micu, A Münch
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 28 (1), 186-214, 2008
Boundary optimal control for nonlinear antiplane problems
A Matei, S Micu
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 74 (5), 1641-1652, 2011
Control and stabilization of a family of Boussinesq systems
S Micu, JH Ortega, L Rosier, BY Zhang
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst 24 (2), 273-313, 2009
An approximation method for exact controls of vibrating systems
N Cîndea, S Micu, M Tucsnak
SIAM journal on control and optimization 49 (3), 1283-1305, 2011
Uniform boundary controllability of a semidiscrete 1-D wave equation with vanishing viscosity
S Micu
SIAM journal on control and optimization 47 (6), 2857-2885, 2009
Boundary optimal control for a frictional contact problem with normal compliance
A Matei, S Micu
Applied Mathematics & Optimization 78, 379-401, 2018
Estimates of the constants in generalized Ingham's inequality and applications to the control of the wave equation
S Jaffard, S Micu
Asymptotic Analysis 28 (3-4), 181-214, 2001
On the controllability of a coupled system of two Korteweg–de Vries equations
S Micu, JH Ortega, AF Pazoto
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 11 (05), 799-827, 2009
Particle supported control of a fluid–particle system
N Cîndea, S Micu, I Rovenþa, M Tucsnak
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 104 (2), 311-353, 2015
Approximation of the controls for the beam equation with vanishing viscosity
I Bugariu, S Micu, I Rovenþa
Mathematics of Computation 85 (301), 2259-2303, 2016
Asymptotics for the spectrum of a fluid/structure hybrid system arising in the control of noise
S Micu, E Zuazua
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 29 (4), 967-1001, 1998
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Articles 1–20