Antonina Kalinichenko
Antonina Kalinichenko
Zweryfikowany adres z uni.opole.pl
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Біологічний азот
ВП Патика, СЯ Коць, ВВ Волкогон, ОВ Шерстобоєва, ТМ Мельничук, ...
К.: Світ, 2003
Biologichnyi azot (Biological Nitrogen)
VP Patyka, SY Kots, VV Volkogon, OV Sherstoboeva, TM Mel’nychuk, ...
Kyiv: Svit, 2003
Evaluation of biogas production and usage potential
A Kalinichenko, V Havrysh, V Perebyynis
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 23 (3), 387-400, 2016
Specifics of pesticides effects on the phytopathogenic bacteria
V Patyka, N Buletsa, L Pasichnyk, N Zhitkevich, A Kalinichenko, T Gnatiuk, ...
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 23 (2), 311-331, 2016
Мотивація та мотиваційний процес: сутність та поняття
АВ Калініченко
Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості, 417-420, 2013
Commercial biogas plants: lessons for Ukraine
V Havrysh, A Kalinichenko, G Mentel, T Olejarz
Energies 13 (10), 2668, 2020
Husk energy supply systems for sunflower oil mills
V Havrysh, A Kalinichenko, G Mentel, U Mentel, DG Vasbieva
Energies 13 (2), 361, 2020
Heat recovery systems for agricultural vehicles: Utilization ways and their efficiency
A Kalinichenko, V Havrysh, V Hruban
Agriculture 8 (12), 199, 2018
Efficacy of the cloud computing technology in the management of communication and business processes of the companies
O Kopishynska, Y Utkin, A Kalinichenko, D Jelonek
Polish Journal of Management Studies 14, 2016
Hydrogen dark fermentation for degradation of solid and liquid food waste
V Hovorukha, O Havryliuk, G Gladka, O Tashyrev, A Kalinichenko, ...
Energies 14 (7), 1831, 2021
Transformation of the agricultural financial system in the age of globalisation
A Brzozowska, D Bubel, A Kalinichenko, L Nekrasenko
Alternative Vehicle Fuel Management: Impact on Energy Security Indicators
A Kalinichenko, V Havrysh, V Nitsenko
Infrastructure and Environment, 367-374, 2019
Sensitivity analysis in investment project of biogas plant
A Kalinichenko, V Havrysh, V Perebyynis
Applied ecology and environmental research 15 (4), 2017
Feasibility study of biogas project development: technology maturity, feedstock, and utilization pathway
A Kalinichenko, V Havrysh
Mykolayiv National Agricultural University, 2019
The efficiency of humic growth stimulators in pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar additional fertilizing of sown areas of grain and industrial crops
MM Marenych, VV Hanhur, OI Len, YM Hangur, II Zhornyk, ...
Fossil Fuel and Biofuel Boilers in Ukraine: Trends of Changes in Levelized Cost of Heat
V Stanytsina, V Artemchuk, O Bogoslavska, A Zaporozhets, ...
Energies 15 (19), 7215, 2022
Agricultural land: Crop production or photovoltaic power plants
V Havrysh, A Kalinichenko, E Szafranek, V Hruban
Sustainability 14 (9), 5099, 2022
Biotechnological control methods against phytopathogenic bacteria in tomatoes.
YV Kolomiiets, IP Grygoryuk, LM Butsenko, AV Kalinichenko
Applied Ecology & Environmental Research 17 (2), 2019
Agricultural residue management for sustainable power generation: the Poland case study
V Havrysh, A Kalinichenko, A Brzozowska, J Stebila
Applied Sciences 11 (13), 5907, 2021
The acceptable alternative vehicle fuel price
A Kalinichenko, V Havrysh, I Atamanyuk
Energies 12 (20), 3889, 2019
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