Інна Олександрівна Макаренко, Inna Makarenko
Інна Олександрівна Макаренко, Inna Makarenko
доцент кафедри бухгалтерського обліку та оподаткування ННІ бізнес-технологій "УАБС" СумДУ
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Cited by
Sustainability information disclosure as an instrument of marketing communication with stakeholders: markets, social and economic aspects
TA Vasylieva, SV Lieonov, IO Makarenko, N Sirkovska
СумДУ, 2017
The role of accounting in sustainable development
I Makarenko, A Plastun
Accounting and Financial Control 1 (2), 4-12, 2017
Мотиваційні механізми дематеріалізаційних та енергоефективних змін національної економіки
ІМ Сотник, ВГ Боронос, ТА Васильєва, ІО Галиця, АВ Кучмійов, ...
Університетська книга, 2016
SDGs and ESG disclosure regulation: is there an impact? Evidence from Top-50 world economies
OL Plastun, IO Makarenko, LI Khomutenko, O Osetrova, P Shcherbakov
Businness Perspectives, 2020
Market efficiency of traditional stock market indices and social responsible indices: The role of sustainability reporting
R Mynhardt, I Makarenko, A Plastun
Henry Mynhardt, Inna Makarenko and Alex Plastun (2017). Market efficiency of …, 2017
Long memory in the Ukrainian stock market and financial crises
GM Caporale, L Gil-Alana, A Plastun, I Makarenko
Journal of Economics and Finance 40, 235-257, 2016
Persistence in ESG and conventional stock market indices
GM Caporale, L Gil-Alana, A Plastun, I Makarenko
Journal of Economics and Finance 46 (4), 678-703, 2022
Transition to sustainability reporting: evidence from EU and Ukraine
IO Makarenko, N Sirkovska
Sumy State University, 2017
Behavior of financial markets efficiency during the financial market crisis: 2007-2009
HR Mynhardt, A Plastun, I Makarenko
Mapping of the responsible investments instruments in sdg 3 ‘good health and well-being’financing: EU and US experience
YS Serpeninova, IO Makarenko, OL Plastun, A Babkoв, G Gasimova
Sumy State University, 2020
Sustainable Development Goals in agriculture and responsible investment: A comparative study of the Czech Republic and Ukraine
OL Plastun, IO Makarenko, S Bashlai
Business Perspectives, 2021
Modern methodical approaches to the evaluation of corporate reporting transparency
Т Vasyl’eva, S Leonov, I Makarenko
Науковий вісник Полісся 2 (1 (9)), 185-190, 2017
Force majeure events and stock market reactions in Ukraine
GM Caporale, A Plastun, I Makarenko
Brunel University London, Economics and Finance Working Paper Series, 2019
The approach to managing corporate social and environmental responsibility in manufacturing
YO Myroshnychenko, IO Makarenko, DO Smolennikov, AV Buriak
UIKTEN, 2019
Intraday anomalies and market efficiency: A trading robot analysis
GM Caporale, L Gil-Alana, A Plastun, I Makarenko
Computational Economics 47, 275-295, 2016
Бухгалтерський облік: загальна теорія: навч. посіб.
ЮС Серпенінова, СМ Гольцова, ІО Макаренко
Суми: Університетська книга 336, 2015
Standardization of sustainability reporting: rationale for better investment decision-making
H Mynhardt, I Makarenko, A Plastun
Public and Municipal Finance 6 (2), 7-15, 2017
Sustainability reporting in the light of corporate social responsibility development: economic and legal issues
V Sukhonos, I Makarenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 166-174, 2017
Sustainability reporting assessment for quality and compliance: the case of Ukrainian banks’ management reports
IO Makarenko, VV Sukhonos, IV Zhuravlyova, S Legenchuk, O Szołno
Business Perspectives, 2020
ESG disclosure regulation: in search of a relationship with the countries competitiveness
OL Plastun, IO Makarenko, OV Kravchenko, NV Ovcharova, ZA Oleksich
Business Perspectives, 2019
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Articles 1–20