Katarzyna Juda-Rezler
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Transport impacts on atmosphere and climate: Land transport
E Uherek, T Halenka, J Borken-Kleefeld, Y Balkanski, T Berntsen, ...
Atmospheric environment 44 (37), 4772-4816, 2010
Determination and analysis of PM10 source apportionment during episodes of air pollution in Central Eastern European urban areas: The case of wintertime 2006
K Juda-Rezler, M Reizer, JP Oudinet
Atmospheric Environment 45 (36), 6557-6566, 2011
Overview of current regional and local scale air quality modelling practices: Assessment and planning tools in the EU
P Thunis, A Miranda, JM Baldasano, N Blond, J Douros, A Graff, ...
Environmental science & policy 65, 13-21, 2016
Characterization of atmospheric PM2. 5 sources at a Central European urban background site
K Juda-Rezler, M Reizer, K Maciejewska, B Błaszczak, K Klejnowski
Science of the Total Environment 713, 136729, 2020
OddziaĹ ‚ywanie zanieczyszczeĹ „powietrza na Ĺ› rodowisko
K Juda-Rezler
Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2006
Explaining the high PM10 concentrations observed in Polish urban areas
M Reizer, K Juda-Rezler
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 9, 517-531, 2016
Size Distribution and Trace Elements Contents of Coal Fly Ash from Pulverized Boilers
K Juda-Rezler, D Kowalczyk
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 22 (1), 25-40, 2013
Pyły drobne w atmosferze. Kompendium wiedzy o zanieczyszczeniu powietrza pyłem zawieszonym w Polsce
K Juda-Rezler, B Toczko
Biblioteka Monitoringu Środowiska, Główny Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska …, 2016
Future climate and adverse health effects caused by fine particulate matter air pollution: case study for Poland
M Tainio, K Juda-Rezler, M Reizer, A Warchałowski, W Trapp, K Skotak
Regional Environmental Change 13 (3), 705-715, 2013
Modelling the effects of climate change on air quality over Central and Eastern Europe: concept, evaluation and projections
K Juda-Rezler, M Reizer, P Huszar, BC Krüger, P Zanis, D Syrakov, ...
Climate Research 53 (3), 179-203, 2012
Zagrożenia związane ze zmianami klimatu
Z Kundzewicz, K Juda-Rezler
Nauka, 2010
Effects of climate change on ozone and particulate matter over Central and Eastern Europe
P Huszar, K Juda-Rezler, T Halenka, H Chervenkov, D Syrakov, ...
Climate Research 50 (1), 51-68, 2011
Zagrożenia związane z zanieczyszczeniem powietrza atmosferycznego i gospodarką odpadami
K Juda-Rezler, P Manczarski
Nauka, 2010
Modelling of the air pollution in the Cracow area
K Juda
Atmospheric Environment (1967) 20 (12), 2449-2458, 1986
Chemical compositions of PM2. 5 at two non-urban sites from the polluted region in Europe
B Blaszczak, W Rogula-Kozlowska, B Mathews, K Juda-Rezler, ...
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 16 (10), 2333-2348, 2016
New challenges in air quality and climate modeling
K Juda-Rezler
Archives of Environmental Protection, 3-28-3-28, 2010
Air quality integrated assessment modelling in the context of EU policy: A way forward
P Viaene, CA Belis, N Blond, C Bouland, K Juda-Rezler, N Karvosenoja, ...
Environmental science & policy 65, 22-28, 2016
Modelling of black carbon statistical distribution and return periods of extreme concentrations
K Maciejewska, K Juda-Rezler, M Reizer, K Klejnowski
Environmental Modelling & Software 74, 212-226, 2015
Air pollution modeling
K Juda-Rezler
Gulf Publishing Company, 1989
Bioavailability of elements in atmospheric PM2. 5 during winter episodes at Central Eastern European urban background site
K Juda-Rezler, E Zajusz-Zubek, M Reizer, K Maciejewska, E Kurek, ...
Atmospheric Environment 245, 117993, 2021
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