Qiang Hu
Qiang Hu
Amazon Lab126
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Cited by
Transfuse: Fusing transformers and cnns for medical image segmentation
Y Zhang, H Liu, Q Hu
Medical image computing and computer assisted intervention–MICCAI 2021: 24th …, 2021
Relay Selection and Scheduling for Millimeter Wave Backhaul in Urban Environments
Q Hu, DM Blough
2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems …, 2017
Path Selection with Amplify and Forward Relays in mmWave Backhaul Networks
Y Yan, Q Hu, DM Blough
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2018. IEEE 29th …, 2018
Blockage Avoidance in Relay Paths for Roadside mmWave Backhaul Networks
Y Liu, Q Hu, DM Blough
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2018. IEEE 29th …, 2018
Optimizing Millimeter-Wave Backhaul Networks in Roadside Environments
Q Hu, D Blough
Communications (ICC), 2018 IEEE International Conference on, 2018
Joint Link-level and Network-level Reconfiguration for mmWave Backhaul Survivability in Urban Environments
Y Liu, Q Hu, D Blough
22nd ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of …, 2019
Route discovery in wireless mesh networks
X Chen, AK Shukla, A Joshi, Q Hu
US Patent 10588069B1, 2020
Joint link-level and network-level reconfiguration for urban mmWave wireless backhaul networks
Y Liu, Q Hu, DM Blough
Computer Communications 164, 215-228, 2020
CoAOR: An efficient network coding aware opportunistic routing mechanism for wireless mesh networks
Q Hu, J Zheng
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 4578-4583, 2013
Optimal Path Construction with Decode and Forward Relays in mmWave Backhaul Networks
Y Yan, Q Hu, D Blough
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2020), 2020
End-to-end Simulation of MmWave Out-of-band Backhaul Networks in ns-3
Q Hu, Y Liu, Y Yan, D Blough
Workshop on Next-Generation Wireless with ns-3, 2019
A dependable slepian-wolf coding based clustering algorithm for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks
Q Shu, Q Hu, J Zheng, N Mitton
2013 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal …, 2013
Load-balanced routing for hybrid fiber/wireless backhaul networks
Y Yan, Q Hu, DM Blough
2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2021
Feasibility of multipath construction in mmwave backhaul
Y Yan, Q Hu, DM Blough
2021 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2021
On the Feasibility of High Throughput mmWave Backhaul Networks in Urban Areas
Q Hu, D Blough
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2020), 2020
CLARET: A Cooperative cLuster-heAd failuRE deTection mechanism for wireless sensor networks
Q Shu, Q Hu, J Zheng
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 48-52, 2014
An efficient network coding based multicast retransmission scheme for mobile communication networks with relays
Q Hu, J Zheng
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 5413-5417, 2012
An efficient packet selection algorithm for network coding based multicast retransmission in mobile communication networks
Q Hu, J Zheng
2011 IEEE 13th International Conference on Communication Technology, 999-1003, 2011
Weight Pick: an efficient packet selection algorithm for network coding based multicast retransmission in mobile communication networks
Q Hu, J Zheng
Wireless networks 19, 363-372, 2013
Technical Report for Blockage Type Detection Process
Y Liu, Q Hu, D Blough, 2018
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Articles 1–20