Robert Mawdsley
Robert Mawdsley
Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd
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Cited by
Global secular changes in different tidal high water, low water and range levels
RJ Mawdsley, ID Haigh, NC Wells
Earth's Future 3 (2), 66-81, 2015
Spatial and temporal variability and long-term trends in skew surges globally
RJ Mawdsley, ID Haigh
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 29, 2016
Combining machine learning with computational hydrodynamics for prediction of tidal surge inundation at estuarine ports
J French, R Mawdsley, T Fujiyama, K Achuthan
Procedia IUTAM 25, 28-35, 2017
Global changes in mean tidal high water, low water and range
RJ Mawdsley, ID Haigh, NC Wells
Journal of Coastal Research, 343-348, 2014
Global secular changes in different tidal high water, low water and range levels, Earths Future, 3, 66–81
RJ Mawdsley, ID Haigh, NC Wells
Artificial Neural Network forecasting of storm surge water levels at major estuarine ports to supplement national tide-surge models and improve port resilience planning
J French, R Mawdsley, T Fujiyama, K Achuthan
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15018, 2017
Simulating storm surge inundation and damage potential within complex port facilities
R Mawdsley, J French, T Fujiyama, K Achutan
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14482, 2017
Global changes and variability in extreme sea levels from 1846-2014
RJ Mawdsley
University of Southampton, 2016
Secular Global Changes in different Tidal High Water, Low Water and Range levels
R Mawdsley, I Haigh, N Wells
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2479, 2015
Global Changes in Long-Term Observed Tidal Range
R Mawdsley, I Haigh, N Wells
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Articles 1–10