Robert Paluch
Robert Paluch
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Cited by
Fast and accurate detection of spread source in large complex networks
R Paluch, X Lu, K Suchecki, BK Szymañski, JA Ho³yst
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2508, 2018
Optimizing sensors placement in complex networks for localization of hidden signal source: A review
R Paluch, £G Gajewski, JA Ho³yst, BK Szymanski
Future Generation Computer Systems 112, 1070-1092, 2020
Impact of interactions between layers on source localization in multilayer networks
R Paluch, £G Gajewski, K Suchecki, JA Ho³yst
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 582, 126238, 2021
Enhancing maximum likelihood estimation of infection source localization
R Paluch, £ Gajewski, K Suchecki, B Szymañski, JA Ho³yst
Simplicity of Complexity in Economic and Social Systems: Proceedings of the …, 2020
Comparison of observer based methods for source localisation in complex networks
£G Gajewski, R Paluch, K Suchecki, A Sulik, BK Szymanski, JA Ho³yst
Scientific reports 12 (1), 5079, 2022
Locating the source of interacting signal in complex networks
R Paluch, K Suchecki, JA Ho³yst
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.02039, 2020
Hierarchical Cont-Bouchaud Model
R Paluch, K Suchecki, JA Ho³yst
Acta Physica Polonica A 127 (3A), 108-112, 2015
Models of random graph hierarchies
R Paluch, K Suchecki, JA Ho³yst
The European Physical Journal B 88 (10), 1-6, 2015
Impact of network topology changes on information source localization
P Machura, R Paluch
Computer Communications, 107958, 2024
Reverse engineering of information processing in complex networks using statistical inference
R Paluch
Center of Physics in Economics and Social Sciences, 2021
Efficient observers for localization of hidden signal source
R Paluch, £G Gajewski, JA Ho³yst, BK Szymanski
Wydajni obserwatorzy do lokalizacji ukrytego ¼ród³a sygna³u
R Paluch, £G Gajewski, JA Ho³yst, BK Szymanski
Sentiment and activity analysis of Manchester United football forum.
RM Paluch, JM Sienkiewicz, JA Ho³yst
Fast rumour source detection in large social networks
RM Paluch, JA Ho³yst, K Suchecki
How are World Events Similar to Contagions?
J Cho³oniewski, JA Ho³yst, JM Sienkiewicz, RM Paluch
How much information is in New York Times articles?
J Cho³oniewski, RM Paluch, K Suchecki, JA Ho³yst
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Articles 1–16