Lucjan Gucma
Lucjan Gucma
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Polish approach to e-navigation concept
A Weintrit, R Wawruch, C Specht, L Gucma, Z Pietrzykowski
TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety od Sea …, 2007
Ttrans-risk-an integrated method for risk management in transport= Trans-risk-zintegrowana metoda zarządzania ryzykiem w transporcie
K Jamroz, A Kadziński, K Chruzik, A Szymanek, L Gucma, J Skorupski
Journal of KONBIN, 209-220, 2010
Wytyczne do zarządzania ryzykiem morskim
L Gucma
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, 2009
Modelowanie czynników ryzyka zderzenia jednostek pływających z konstrukcjami portowymi i pełnomorskimi
L Gucma
Studia/Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, 3-239, 2005
The model of oil spills due to ships collisions in Southern Baltic area
L Gucma, M Przywarty
TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety od Sea …, 2008
Risk Modelling of Ship Collisions Factors with Fixed Port and Offshore Structures
L Gucma
Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, 2005
Laser-based aid systems for berthing and docking
M Perkovič, L Gucma, M Bilewski, B Muczynski, F Dimc, B Luin, P Vidmar, ...
Journal of marine science and engineering 8 (5), 346, 2020
Prediction of ship domain on coastal waters by using AIS data
B Kundakçı, S Nas, L Gucma
Ocean Engineering 273, 113921, 2023
Towards generalized ship's manoeuvre models based on real time simulation results in port approach areas
NM Quy, K Łazuga, L Gucma, JK Vrijling, P van Gelder
Ocean Engineering 209, 107476, 2020
Assessment of ship position estimation accuracy based on radar navigation mark echoes identified in an Electronic Navigational Chart
K Naus, M Wąż, P Szymak, L Gucma, M Gucma
Measurement 169, 108630, 2021
Accommodating larger container vessels using an integrated laser system for approach and berthing
M Perkovic, M Gucma, B Luin, L Gucma, T Brcko
Microprocessors and Microsystems 52, 106-116, 2017
Nautical risk assessment for LNG operations at the Port of Koper
M Perkovic, L Gucma, M Przywarty, M Gucma, S Petelin, P Vidmar
Strojniški vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 58 (10), 607-613, 2012
Methods of ship-bridge collision safety evaluation
L Gucma
Reliability: Theory & Applications 4 (2-1 (13)), 50-63, 2009
Probabilistic model of underkeel clearance in decision making process of port captain
L Gucma, M Schoeneich
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2008
Risk assessment of moored and passing ships
P Vidmar, M Perkovič, L Gucma, K Łazuga
Applied Sciences 10 (19), 6825, 2020
Examination of ships passing distances distribution in the coastal waters in order to build a ship probabilistic domain
L Gucma, K Marcjan
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 34-40, 2012
Ship manoeuvring in restricted areas: an attempt to quantify dangerous situations using a probabilistic-fuzzy method
L Gucma, Z Pietrzykowski
The Journal of Navigation 59 (2), 251-262, 2006
Models of ship's traffic flow for the safety of marine engineering structures evaluation
L Gucma
Proc. of ESREL Conf. Rotterdam: Balkema, 2003
Zarządzanie ryzykiem w rejonie mostów usytułowanych nad drogami wodnymi w aspekcie uderzenia jednostek pływających
L Gucma
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Morskiej, 2013
The method of average navigation risk assessment with consideration of inequality of ship's accident probability along the waterway
L Gucma
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 45, 2000
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Articles 1–20