Tufan Eroldogan
Tufan Eroldogan
Cukurova University - Founder of Aquaspin (
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Cited by
Optimum feeding rates for European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax L. reared in seawater and freshwater
OT Eroldoğan, M Kumlu, M Aktaş
Aquaculture 231 (1-4), 501-515, 2004
Effects of temperature and salinity on larval growth, survival and development of Penaeus semisulcatus
M Kumlu, OT Eroldogan, M Aktas
Aquaculture 188 (1-2), 167-173, 2000
The essentials of marine biotechnology
A Rotter, M Barbier, F Bertoni, AM Bones, ML Cancela, J Carlsson, ...
Frontiers In marine science 8, 629629, 2021
Compensatory growth response of Sparus aurata following different starvation and refeeding protocols
OT Eroldoğan, M Kumlu, GA Kiris, B Sezer
Aquaculture Nutrition 12 (3), 203-210, 2006
Total replacement of fish meal with plant proteins in diets for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) II—Health aspects
RE Olsen, AC Hansen, G Rosenlund, GI Hemre, TM Mayhew, ...
Aquaculture 272 (1-4), 612-624, 2007
The effects of fish oil replacement by vegetable oils on growth performance and fatty acid profile of rainbow trout: Re-feeding with fish oil finishing diet improved the fatty …
M Yıldız, TO Eroldoğan, S Ofori-Mensah, K Engin, MA Baltacı
Aquaculture 488, 123-133, 2018
Effects of temperature on acute toxicity of ammonia to Penaeus semisulcatus juveniles
M Kır, M Kumlu, OT Eroldoğan
Aquaculture 241 (1-4), 479-489, 2004
Effects of adding salt to the diet of Asian sea bass Lates calcarifer reared in fresh or salt water recirculating tanks, on growth and brush border enzyme activity
S Harpaz, Y Hakim, T Slosman, OT Eroldogan
Aquaculture 248 (1-4), 315-324, 2005
Thermal tolerance of European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles acclimated to three temperature levels
N Dülger, M Kumlu, S Türkmen, A Ölçülü, OT Eroldoğan, HA Yılmaz, ...
Journal of Thermal Biology 37 (1), 79-82, 2012
Overview and challenges of large-scale cultivation of photosynthetic microalgae and cyanobacteria
L Novoveská, SL Nielsen, OT Eroldoğan, BZ Haznedaroglu, B Rinkevich, ...
Marine drugs 21 (8), 445, 2023
Effects of different feeding levels during day and/or night on growth and brush-border enzyme activity in juvenile Lates calcarifer reared in freshwater re-circulating tanks
S Harpaz, Y Hakim, A Barki, I Karplus, T Slosman, OT Eroldogan
Aquaculture 248 (1-4), 325-335, 2005
Effects of Restricted Feeding Regimes on Growth and Feed Utilization of Juvenile Gilthead Sea Bream, Sparus aurata
OT Eroldoğan, O Taşbozan, S Tabakoğlu
Journal of the World Aquaculture society 39 (2), 267-274, 2008
The effects of salinity and added substrates on growth and survival of Metapenaeus monoceros (Decapoda: Penaeidae) post-larvae
M Kumlu, OT Eroldogan, B Saglamtimur
Aquaculture 196 (1-2), 177-188, 2001
Fatty acid metabolism in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): effects of n-6 PUFA and MUFA in fish oil replaced diets
TO Eroldoğan, AH Yılmaz, GM Turchini, M Arslan, NA Sirkecioğlu, ...
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39, 941-955, 2013
Fish out, plastic in: Global pattern of plastics in commercial fishmeal
S Gündoğdu, OT Eroldoğan, E Evliyaoğlu, GM Turchini, XG Wu
Aquaculture 534, 736316, 2021
Effects of dietary L-carnitine supplementation on growth, muscle fatty acid composition and economic profit of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
S Dikel, B Ünalan, OT Eroldoğan, AÖ Hunt
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 10 (2), 2010
Off-season maturation and spawning of Penaeus semisulcatus by eyestalk ablation and/or temperature–photoperiod regimes
M Aktaş, M Kumlu, OT Eroldogan
Aquaculture 228 (1-4), 361-370, 2003
Some biological aspects of penaeid shrimps inhabiting Yumurtalık Bight in Iskenderun Bay (north-eastern Mediterranean)
M Kumlu, D Avşar, OT EROLDOĞAN, N Başusta
Turkish Journal of Zoology 23 (1), 53-60, 1999
Potential of cottonseed oil as fish oil replacer in European sea bass feed formulation
T Eroldoğan, GM Tuchini, AH Yılmaz, O Taşbozan, K Engin, A Ölçülü, ...
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 12 (4), 2012
Effects of starvation and re-alimentation periods on growth performance and hyperphagic response of Sparus aurata.
EO Tufan, K Metin, S Barış
Aquaculture Research 37 (5), 2006
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