Balıkçılık Biyolojisi ve Popülasyon Dinamiği D Avşar Akademik Kitabevi 1, 306, 2016 | 413* | 2016 |
Length–weight relationships for 31 teleost fishes caught by bottom trawl net in the Babadillimani Bight (northeastern Mediterranean) E Çiçek, D Avsar, H Yeldan, M Ozutok Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22 (4), 290-292, 2006 | 146 | 2006 |
Distribution and oeeurrenee of Red Sea fish at the Turkish Mediterranean eoast-northern Cilieian basin AC Gucu Acta Adriat 34 (1/2), 103-113, 1994 | 141 | 1994 |
A preliminary study on the reproduction of the rabbitfish (Siganus rivulatus (Forsskal, 1775)) in the northeastern Mediterranean H Yeldan, D Avşar Turkish Journal of Zoology 24 (2), 173-182, 2000 | 112 | 2000 |
Age, growth, reproduction and feeding of the spurdog (Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, 1758) in the South-eastern Black Sea D Avsar Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 52 (2), 269-278, 2001 | 110 | 2001 |
Non-native fishes in the Mediterranean from the Red Sea, by way of the Suez Canal S Mavruk, D Avsar Rev Fish Biol Fisheries 18, 251-261, 2008 | 106 | 2008 |
Fisheries biology and population dynamics D Avşar Çukurova Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Ders Kitapları, 1998 | 75 | 1998 |
A note on plastic materials in trawl catches in the northeastern Mediterranean F Bingel, D Avsar, M Unsal | 66 | 1987 |
A stock differentiation study of the sprat (Sprattus sprattus phalericus Risso) off the southern coast of the Black Sea D Avsar Fisheries Research 19 (3-4), 363-378, 1994 | 62 | 1994 |
Age, growth and feeding of the common stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca, L., 1758) in the Cilician coastal basin, northeastern Mediterranean Sea H Yeldan, D Avsar, M Manaşırlı Journal of Applied Ichthyology 25, 98-102, 2009 | 58 | 2009 |
Some biological aspects of penaeid shrimps inhabiting Yumurtalık Bight in Iskenderun Bay (north-eastern Mediterranean) M Kumlu, D Avşar, OT EROLDOĞAN, N Başusta Turkish Journal of Zoology 23 (1), 53-60, 1999 | 58 | 1999 |
The trend of lessepsian fish populations with an emphasis on temperature variations in Iskenderun Bay, the Northeastern Mediterranean S Mavruk, F Bengil, H Yeldan, M Manasirli, D Avsar Fisheries Oceanography 26 (5), 542-554, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |
Physico-chemical characteristics of the Eastern Mediterranean in relation to distribution of the new Scyphomedusae (Rhopilema nomadica) D AVŞAR Turkish Journal of zoology 23 (6), 605-616, 1999 | 48 | 1999 |
Population parameters of sprat (Sprattus sprattus phalericus Risso) from the Turkish Black Sea coast D Avsar Fisheries research 21 (3-4), 437-453, 1995 | 44 | 1995 |
Length–weight relationship for five elasmobranch species from the Cilician Basin shelf waters (Northeastern Mediterranean) H Yeldan, D Avsar Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23 (6), 713-714, 2007 | 40 | 2007 |
Fishery biology and population dynamics D Avşar Çukurova University Fisheries Faculty, Adana, Turkey, 303pp, 1998 | 36 | 1998 |
Yeni bir skifomedüz (Rhopilema nomadica)'ün dağılımı ile ilgili olarak Doğu Akdeniz'in fiziko-kimyasal özellikleri D Avşar Turkish Journal of Zoology 23 (supp2), 605-616, 1999 | 34 | 1999 |
Diel diet feeding behavior of scaldfish (Arnoglossus laterna WALBAUM, 1972) in the Bay of Mersin D AVŞAR Acta Adriatica 34 (1/2), 89-101, 1993 | 31 | 1993 |
Food items of Saurida undosquamis in the northern Cilician Basin (eastern Mediterranean) F Bingel, D Avsar Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions de la Commission Internationale pour …, 1988 | 29 | 1988 |
Investigation of the selectivity parameters for carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) in Seyhan Dam Lake CE Özyurt, D Avşar Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences 29 (2), 219-223, 2005 | 27 | 2005 |