Structuring judicial review of electoral mechanics: explanations and opportunities CS Elmendorf U. Pa. L. Rev. 156, 313, 2007 | 116 | 2007 |
Making Sense of Section 2: Of Biased Votes, Unconstitutional Elections, and Common Law Statutes CS Elmendorf U. Pa. L. Rev. 160, 377, 2011 | 103 | 2011 |
Beyond the double veto: Housing plans as preemptive intergovernmental compacts CS Elmendorf Hastings LJ 71, 79, 2019 | 102 | 2019 |
Informing consent: Voter ignorance, political parties, and election law CS Elmendorf, D Schleicher U. Ill. L. Rev., 363, 2013 | 101 | 2013 |
Ideas, incentives, gifts, and governance: toward conservation stewardship of private land, in cultural and psychological perspective CS Elmendorf U. Ill. L. Rev., 423, 2003 | 89 | 2003 |
Representation Reinforcement Through Advisory Commissions: The Case of Election Law CS Elmendorf NYUL Rev. 80, 1366, 2005 | 79 | 2005 |
Administering Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act After Shelby County CS Elmendorf, DM Spencer Colum. L. Rev. 115, 2143, 2015 | 77 | 2015 |
Lost in space? Information shortcuts, spatial voting, and local government representation C Boudreau, CS Elmendorf, SA MacKenzie Political Research Quarterly 68 (4), 843-855, 2015 | 61 | 2015 |
Undue burdens on voter participation: New pressures for a structural theory of the right to vote CS Elmendorf Hastings Const. LQ 35, 643, 2007 | 60 | 2007 |
Racial or spatial voting? The effects of candidate ethnicity and ethnic group endorsements in local elections C Boudreau, CS Elmendorf, SA MacKenzie American Journal of Political Science 63 (1), 5-20, 2019 | 58 | 2019 |
State Courts, Citizen Suits, and the Enforcement of Federal Environmental Law by Non-Article III Plaintiffs CS Elmendorf The Yale Law Journal 110 (6), 1003-1044, 2001 | 54 | 2001 |
Election Commissions and Electoral Reform: An Overview CS Elmendorf Election Law Journal 5 (4), 425-446, 2006 | 51 | 2006 |
Racially polarized voting CS Elmendorf, KM Quinn, MA Abrajano U. Chi. L. Rev. 83, 587, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
Advisory counterparts to constitutional courts CS Elmendorf Duke LJ 56, 953, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |
Why Party Democrats Need Popular Democracy and Popular Democrats Need Parties EJ Leib, CS Elmendorf Calif. L. Rev. 100, 69, 2012 | 43 | 2012 |
Refining the Democracy Canon CS Elmendorf Cornell L. Rev. 95, 1051, 2009 | 43 | 2009 |
The geography of racial stereotyping: Evidence and implications for VRA preclearance after Shelby County CS Elmendorf, DM Spencer Calif. L. Rev. 102, 1123, 2014 | 40 | 2014 |
Auctioning the upzone CS Elmendorf, D Shanske Case W. Res. L. Rev. 70, 513, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |
Making It Work CS Elmendorf, E Biber, P Monkkonen, M O’Neill Ecology Law Quarterly 47 (4), 973-1060, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Districting for a Low-Information Electorate CS Elmendorf, D Schleicher Yale LJ 121, 1846, 2011 | 36 | 2011 |