An introduction to semilinear evolution equations T Cazenave, A Haraux Oxford University Press, 1998 | 1299 | 1998 |
Systemes dynamiques dissipatifs et applications A Haraux (No Title), 1991 | 703 | 1991 |
Nonlinear evolution equations-Global behavior of solutions A Haraux Springer, 2006 | 520 | 2006 |
Non-uniqueness for a semilinear initial value problem A Haraux, FB Weissler Indiana University Mathematics Journal 31 (2), 167-189, 1982 | 398 | 1982 |
Decay estimates for some semilinear damped hyperbolic problems A Haraux, E Zuazua Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 100 (2), 191-206, 1988 | 365 | 1988 |
Introduction aux problèmes d'évolution semi-linéaires T Cazenave, A Haraux (No Title), 1990 | 356 | 1990 |
Équations d'évolution avec non linéarité logarithmique T Cazenave, A Haraux Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse: Mathématiques 2 (1), 21-51, 1980 | 312 | 1980 |
How to differentiate the projection on a convex set in Hilbert space some applications to variational inequalities A Haraux Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 29 (4), 615-631, 1977 | 284 | 1977 |
Une remarque sur la stabilisation de certains systemes du deuxieme ordre en temps A Haraux Portugaliae mathematica 46 (3), 245-258, 1989 | 227 | 1989 |
Séries lacunaires et contrôle semi-interne des vibrations d'une plaque rectangulaire A Haraux Journal de Mathématiques pures et appliquées 68 (4), 457-465, 1989 | 222 | 1989 |
Image d’une somme d’opérateurs monotones et applications H Brezis, A Haraux Israel Journal of Mathematics 23, 165-186, 1976 | 215 | 1976 |
Two remarks on dissipative hyperbolic problems A Haraux Research Notes in Mathematics 122, 161-179, 1985 | 199 | 1985 |
Semi-linear hyperbolic problems in bounded domains A Haraux CRC Press, 1987 | 178 | 1987 |
On a result of K. Masuda concerning reaction-diffusion equations A Haraux, A Youkana Tohoku Mathematical Journal, Second Series 40 (1), 159-163, 1988 | 164 | 1988 |
Stabilization of trajectories for some weakly damped hyperbolic equations A Haraux Journal of differential equations 59 (2), 145-154, 1985 | 160 | 1985 |
Convergence of solutions of second-order gradient-like systems with analytic nonlinearities A Haraux, MA Jendoubi journal of differential equations 144 (2), 313-320, 1998 | 146 | 1998 |
Convergence of bounded weak solutions of the wave equation with dissipation and analytic nonlinearity A Haraux, MA Jendoubi Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 9, 95-124, 1999 | 143 | 1999 |
Anti-periodic solutions of some nonlinear evolution equations A Haraux manuscripta mathematica 63 (4), 479-505, 1989 | 132 | 1989 |
Attractors of asymptotically compact processes and applications to nonlinear partial differential equations A Haraux Communications in partial differential equations 13 (11), 1383-1414, 1988 | 123 | 1988 |
Estimations pour des problèmes paraboliques semi-linéaires A Haraux, M Kirane Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse: Mathématiques 5 (3-4), 265-280, 1983 | 104 | 1983 |