Traffic-generated emissions of ultrafine particles from pavement–tire interface A Dahl, A Gharibi, E Swietlicki, A Gudmundsson, M Bohgard, A Ljungman, ... Atmospheric Environment 40 (7), 1314-1323, 2006 | 307 | 2006 |
Properties and toxicological effects of particles from the interaction between tyres, road pavement and winter traction material M Gustafsson, G Blomqvist, A Gudmundsson, A Dahl, E Swietlicki, ... Science of the total environment 393 (2-3), 226-240, 2008 | 303 | 2008 |
Arbete och teknik på människans villkor M Bohgard, S Karlsson, E Lovén, LÅ Mikaelsson, L Mårtensson, ... Prevent, 2015 | 251 | 2015 |
Chemical composition and mass emission factors of candle smoke particles J Pagels, A Wierzbicka, E Nilsson, C Isaxon, A Dahl, A Gudmundsson, ... Journal of Aerosol Science 40 (3), 193-208, 2009 | 167 | 2009 |
A set-up for field studies of respiratory tract deposition of fine and ultrafine particles in humans J Löndahl, J Pagels, E Swietlicki, J Zhou, M Ketzel, A Massling, ... Journal of Aerosol Science 37 (9), 1152-1163, 2006 | 163 | 2006 |
Effective density characterization of soot agglomerates from various sources and comparison to aggregation theory J Rissler, ME Messing, AI Malik, PT Nilsson, EZ Nordin, M Bohgard, ... Aerosol Science and Technology 47 (7), 792-805, 2013 | 159 | 2013 |
Secondary organic aerosol formation from idling gasoline passenger vehicle emissions investigated in a smog chamber EZ Nordin, AC Eriksson, P Roldin, PT Nilsson, JE Carlsson, MK Kajos, ... Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (12), 6101-6116, 2013 | 144 | 2013 |
Contribution of indoor-generated particles to residential exposure C Isaxon, A Gudmundsson, EZ Nordin, L Lönnblad, A Dahl, G Wieslander, ... Atmospheric Environment 106, 458-466, 2015 | 140 | 2015 |
Fly ash penetration through electrostatic precipitator and flue gas condenser in a 6 MW biomass fired boiler M Strand, J Pagels, A Szpila, A Gudmundsson, E Swietlicki, M Bohgard, ... Energy & Fuels 16 (6), 1499-1506, 2002 | 139 | 2002 |
Particle emissions from district heating units operating on three commonly used biofuels A Wierzbicka, L Lillieblad, J Pagels, M Strand, A Gudmundsson, A Gharibi, ... Atmospheric Environment 39 (1), 139-150, 2005 | 136 | 2005 |
Characteristics of aerosol particles formed during grate combustion of moist forest residue J Pagels, M Strand, J Rissler, A Szpila, A Gudmundsson, M Bohgard, ... Journal of Aerosol Science 34 (8), 1043-1059, 2003 | 129 | 2003 |
'EUROPART'. Airborne particles in the indoor environment. A European interdisciplinary review of scientific evidence on associations between exposure to particles in buildings … T Schneider, J Sundell, W Bischof, M Bohgard, JW Cherrie, PA Clausen, ... Indoor Air 13 (1), 38-48, 2003 | 116 | 2003 |
Temperature-controlled airflow ventilation in operating rooms compared with laminar airflow and turbulent mixed airflow M Alsved, A Civilis, P Ekolind, A Tammelin, AE Andersson, J Jakobsson, ... Journal of Hospital Infection 98 (2), 181-190, 2018 | 111 | 2018 |
Deposition of biomass combustion aerosol particles in the human respiratory tract J Löndahl, J Pagels, C Boman, E Swietlicki, A Massling, J Rissler, ... Inhalation toxicology 20 (10), 923-933, 2008 | 111 | 2008 |
Detailed diesel exhaust characteristics including particle surface area and lung deposited dose for better understanding of health effects in human chamber exposure studies A Wierzbicka, PT Nilsson, J Rissler, G Sallsten, Y Xu, JH Pagels, M Albin, ... Atmospheric Environment 86, 212-219, 2014 | 103 | 2014 |
Sources of airborne norovirus in hospital outbreaks M Alsved, CJ Fraenkel, M Bohgard, A Widell, A Söderlund-Strand, ... Clinical Infectious Diseases 70 (10), 2023-2028, 2020 | 90 | 2020 |
Boiler operation influence on the emissions of submicrometer-sized particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from biomass-fired grate boilers L Lillieblad, A Szpila, M Strand, J Pagels, K Rupar-Gadd, ... Energy & fuels 18 (2), 410-417, 2004 | 80 | 2004 |
Quantification of differences between occupancy and total monitoring periods for better assessment of exposure to particles in indoor environments A Wierzbicka, M Bohgard, JH Pagels, A Dahl, J Löndahl, T Hussein, ... Atmospheric Environment 106, 419-428, 2015 | 60 | 2015 |
Exposure and emission measurements during production, purification, and functionalization of arc-discharge-produced multi-walled carbon nanotubes M Hedmer, C Isaxon, PT Nilsson, L Ludvigsson, ME Messing, J Genberg, ... Annals of occupational hygiene 58 (3), 355-379, 2014 | 60 | 2014 |
Laboratory and field test of a sampling method for characterization of combustion aerosols at high temperatures M Strand, M Bohgard, E Swietlicki, A Gharibi, M Sanati Aerosol Science and Technology 38 (8), 757-765, 2004 | 57 | 2004 |