Minas Alexiadis
Minas Alexiadis
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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Long-term wind speed and power forecasting using local recurrent neural network models
TG Barbounis, JB Theocharis, MC Alexiadis, PS Dokopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 21 (1), 273-284, 2006
A fuzzy model for wind speed prediction and power generation in wind parks using spatial correlation
IG Damousis, MC Alexiadis, JB Theocharis, PS Dokopoulos
IEEE Transactions on energy conversion 19 (2), 352-361, 2004
A neural network short term load forecasting model for the Greek power system
AG Bakirtzis, V Petridis, SJ Kiartzis, MC Alexiadis, AH Maissis
IEEE Transactions on power systems 11 (2), 858-863, 1996
Short-term forecasting of wind speed and related electrical power
MC Alexiadis, PS Dokopoulos, HS Sahsamanoglou, IM Manousaridis
Solar Energy 63 (1), 61-68, 1998
Wind speed and power forecasting based on spatial correlation models
MC Alexiadis, PS Dokopoulos, HS Sahsamanoglou
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 14 (3), 836-842, 1999
Application of time series and artificial neural network models in short-term forecasting of PV power generation
EG Kardakos, MC Alexiadis, SI Vagropoulos, CK Simoglou, PN Biskas, ...
2013 48th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2013
Harmonic impact of small photovoltaic systems connected to the LV distribution network
IT Papaioannou, AS Bouhouras, AG Marinopoulos, MC Alexiadis, ...
2008 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market, 1-6, 2008
Photovoltaic systems in low‐voltage networks and overvoltage correction with reactive power control
EE Pompodakis, IA Drougakis, IS Lelis, MC Alexiadis
IET Renewable Power Generation 10 (3), 410-417, 2016
Modeling and field measurements of photovoltaic units connected to LV grid. Study of penetration scenarios
IT Papaioannou, MC Alexiadis, CS Demoulias, DP Labridis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 26 (2), 979-987, 2011
Comparative analysis of different grid-independent hybrid power generation systems for a residential load
IP Panapakidis, DN Sarafianos, MC Alexiadis
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (1), 551-563, 2012
Energy losses in a distribution line with distributed generation based on stochastic power flow
AG Marinopoulos, MC Alexiadis, PS Dokopoulos
Electric Power Systems Research 81 (10), 1986-1994, 2011
A generic power flow algorithm for unbalanced islanded hybrid AC/DC microgrids
EE Pompodakis, GC Kryonidis, C Demoulias, MC Alexiadis
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (2), 1107-1120, 2020
A comprehensive load flow approach for grid-connected and islanded AC microgrids
EE Pompodakis, GC Kryonidis, MC Alexiadis
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (2), 1143-1155, 2019
Load profiling in the deregulated electricity markets: A review of the applications
IP Panapakidis, MC Alexiadis, GK Papagiannis
2012 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 1-8, 2012
Enhancing the clustering process in the category model load profiling
IP Panapakidis, MC Alexiadis, GK Papagiannis
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 9 (7), 655-665, 2015
Evaluation of the performance of clustering algorithms for a high voltage industrial consumer
I Panapakidis, M Alexiadis, G Papagiannis
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 38, 1-13, 2015
Load, wind and hydro power forecasting functions of the More-Care EMS system
G Kariniotakis, D Mayer, J Halliday, G Dutton, AD Irving, R Brownsword, ...
Med Power 2002, 2002
Electricity customer characterization based on different representative load curves
IP Panapakidis, MC Alexiadis, GK Papagiannis
2012 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 1-8, 2012
A three-phase weather-dependent power flow approach for 4-wire multi-grounded unbalanced microgrids with bare overhead conductors
EE Pompodakis, A Ahmed, MC Alexiadis
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (3), 2293-2303, 2020
An ANN-based model for the prediction of internal lighting conditions and user actions in non-residential buildings
VN Katsanou, MC Alexiadis, DP Labridis
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 12 (5), 700-718, 2019
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Articles 1–20