Victorio Albani Carvalho
Cited by
Cited by
Toward a well-founded theory for multi-level conceptual modeling
VA Carvalho, JPA Almeida
Software & Systems Modeling 17, 205-231, 2018
Applying a multi-level modeling theory to assess taxonomic hierarchies in Wikidata
F Brasileiro, JPA Almeida, VA Carvalho, G Guizzardi
Proceedings of the 25th international conference companion on World Wide Web …, 2016
Multi-level ontology-based conceptual modeling
VA Carvalho, JPA Almeida, CM Fonseca, G Guizzardi
Data & Knowledge Engineering 109, 3-24, 2017
Towards an Ontological Analysis of Powertypes.
G Guizzardi, JPA Almeida, N Guarino, VA de Carvalho
JOWO@ IJCAI 1517, 2015
Extending the foundations of ontology-based conceptual modeling with a multi-level theory
VA Carvalho, JPA Almeida, CM Fonseca, G Guizzardi
Conceptual Modeling: 34th International Conference, ER 2015, Stockholm …, 2015
Using a well-founded multi-level theory to support the analysis and representation of the powertype pattern in conceptual modeling
VA Carvalho, JPA Almeida, G Guizzardi
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 28th International Conference …, 2016
Using reference domain ontologies to define the real-world semantics of domain-specific languages
VA de Carvalho, JPA Almeida, G Guizzardi
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 26th International Conference …, 2014
Multi-level conceptual modeling: From a formal theory to a well-founded language
CM Fonseca, JPA Almeida, G Guizzardi, VA Carvalho
Conceptual Modeling: 37th International Conference, ER 2018, Xi'an, China …, 2018
A comprehensive formal theory for multi-level conceptual modeling
JPA Almeida, CM Fonseca, VA Carvalho
Conceptual Modeling: 36th International Conference, ER 2017, Valencia, Spain …, 2017
Multi-level conceptual modeling: Theory, language and application
CM Fonseca, JPA Almeida, G Guizzardi, VA Carvalho
Data & Knowledge Engineering 134, 101894, 2021
Expressive multi-level modeling for the semantic web
F Brasileiro, JPA Almeida, VA Carvalho, G Guizzardi
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2016: 15th International Semantic Web Conference, Kobe …, 2016
A semantic foundation for organizational structures: a multi-level approach
VA Carvalho, JPA Almeida
2015 IEEE 19th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2015
EstimaODE: Apoio a Estimativas de Tamanho e Esforço no Ambiente de Desenvolvimento de Software ODE
VA de Carvalho, LO Arantes, R de Almeida Falbo
Anais do V Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, 12-26, 2006
Multi-Level Conceptual Modeling: Theory and Applications.
JPA Almeida, VA de Carvalho, F Brasileiro, CM Fonseca, G Guizzardi
ONTOBRAS, 26-41, 2018
Deductive reconstruction of MLT* for multi-level modeling
MA Jeusfeld, JPA Almeida, VA Carvalho, CM Fonseca, B Neumayr
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven …, 2020
Uma Infra-estrutura para Apoiar a Elaboração Colaborativa de Artefatos de Software
R de Almeida Falbo, BN Machado, VA de Carvalho
2008 Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, 158-168, 2008
Preserving multi-level semantics in conventional two-level modeling techniques
JPA Almeida, FA Musso, VA Carvalho, CM Fonseca, G Guizzardi
2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2019
Gerência de conhecimento e decisão em grupo: um estudo de caso na gerência de projetos
The MULTI collaborative comparison challenge
G Mezei, T Kühne, V Carvalho, B Neumayr
2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages …, 2021
Apoio Automatizado à Gerência de Riscos Cooperativa.
VA de Carvalho, AGN Coelho, R de Almeida Falbo
CIbSE, 297-310, 2007
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Articles 1–20