Spin echoes in the charge transport through phosphorus donors in silicon H Huebl, F Hoehne, B Grolik, AR Stegner, M Stutzmann, MS Brandt
Physical review letters 100 (17), 177602, 2008
81 2008 Damping in high-frequency metallic nanomechanical resonators F Hoehne, YA Pashkin, O Astafiev, L Faoro, LB Ioffe, Y Nakamura, JS Tsai
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (18), 184112, 2010
69 2010 Spin-Dependent Recombination between Phosphorus Donors in Silicon and Interface States Investigated with Pulsed Electrically Detected Electron Double … F Hoehne, H Huebl, B Galler, M Stutzmann, MS Brandt
Physical review letters 104 (4), 046402, 2010
59 2010 Nuclear spins of ionized phosphorus donors in silicon L Dreher, F Hoehne, M Stutzmann, MS Brandt
Physical Review Letters 108 (2), 027602, 2012
56 2012 Electrical Detection of Coherent Nuclear Spin Oscillations<? format?> in Phosphorus-Doped Silicon using Pulsed ENDOR F Hoehne, L Dreher, H Huebl, M Stutzmann, MS Brandt
Physical Review Letters 106 (18), 187601, 2011
47 2011 Interaction of strain and nuclear spins in silicon: Quadrupolar effects on ionized donors DP Franke, FM Hrubesch, M Künzl, HW Becker, KM Itoh, M Stutzmann, ...
Physical review letters 115 (5), 057601, 2015
44 2015 Lock-in detection for pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance F Hoehne, L Dreher, J Behrends, M Fehr, H Huebl, K Lips, A Schnegg, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (4), 2012
39 2012 Time constants of spin-dependent recombination processes F Hoehne, L Dreher, M Suckert, DP Franke, M Stutzmann, MS Brandt
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (15), 155301, 2013
30 2013 Electrically detected electron-spin-echo envelope modulation: A highly sensitive technique for resolving complex interface structures F Hoehne, J Lu, AR Stegner, M Stutzmann, MS Brandt, M Rohrmüller, ...
Physical Review Letters 106 (19), 196101, 2011
30 2011 High-resolution electrical detection of free induction decay and Hahn echoes in phosphorus-doped silicon J Lu, F Hoehne, AR Stegner, L Dreher, M Stutzmann, MS Brandt, H Huebl
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (23), 235201, 2011
25 2011 Electrically detected double electron–electron resonance: exchange interaction of P donors and P defects at the Si/SiO interface M Suckert, F Hoehne, L Dreher, M Kuenzl, H Huebl, M Stutzmann, ...
Molecular Physics 111 (18-19), 2690-2695, 2013
20 2013 Spin-dependent recombination involving oxygen-vacancy complexes in silicon DP Franke, F Hoehne, LS Vlasenko, KM Itoh, MS Brandt
Physical Review B 89 (19), 195207, 2014
18 2014 Detection of mechanical resonance of a single-electron transistor by direct current YA Pashkin, TF Li, JP Pekola, O Astafiev, DA Knyazev, F Hoehne, H Im, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (26), 2010
18 2010 Submillisecond hyperpolarization of nuclear spins in silicon F Hoehne, L Dreher, DP Franke, M Stutzmann, LS Vlasenko, KM Itoh, ...
Physical review letters 114 (11), 117602, 2015
17 2015 Pulsed low-field electrically detected magnetic resonance L Dreher, F Hoehne, H Morishita, H Huebl, M Stutzmann, KM Itoh, ...
Physical Review B 91 (7), 075314, 2015
16 2015 Coherent superconducting quantum pump F Hoehne, YA Pashkin, OV Astafiev, M MÃķttÃķnen, JP Pekola, JS Tsai
Phys. Rev. B 85, 140504, 2012
9 2012 Electrical detection of hyperfine interactions in silicon F Hoehne
7 2012 Real-time electrical detection of coherent spin oscillations F Hoehne, C Huck, MS Brandt, H Huebl
Physical Review B 89 (16), 161305, 2014
4 2014 Neuro-Transistors F Hoehne
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3 2005 Spin selection rule-based sub-millisecond hyperpolarization of nuclear spins in silicon F Hoehne, L Dreher, DP Franke, M Stutzmann, LS Vlasenko, KM Itoh, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.3596, 2013
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