Robin Morris
Robin Morris
Associate Adjunct Professor, Department of Applied Math and Statistics, UC Santa Cruz
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Hate speech detection with comment embeddings
N Djuric, J Zhou, R Morris, M Grbovic, V Radosavljevic, N Bhamidipati
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on world wide web, 29-30, 2015
Theoretical and computational studies of carbon nanotube composites and suspensions: Electrical and thermal conductivity
M Foygel, RD Morris, D Anez, S French, VL Sobolev
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (10), 104201, 2005
Interpolation of missing data in image sequences
AC Kokaram, RD Morris, WJ Fitzgerald, PJW Rayner
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 4 (11), 1509-1519, 1995
Detection of missing data in image sequences
AC Kokaram, RD Morris, WJ Fitzgerald, PJW Rayner
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 4 (11), 1496-1508, 1995
Estimation of Markov random field prior parameters using Markov chain Monte Carlo maximum likelihood
X Descombes, RD Morris, J Zerubia, M Berthod
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 8 (7), 954-963, 1999
Beat tracking of musical performances using low-level audio features
WA Sethares, RD Morris, JC Sethares
IEEE Transactions on speech and audio processing 13 (2), 275-285, 2005
Image Sequence Restoration Using Gibbs Distributions
RD Morris
University of Cambridge, 1995
Bayesian super-resolved surface reconstruction from images
VN Smelyanskiy, P Cheeseman, DA Maluf, RD Morris
Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. CVPR …, 2000
Distance estimation using bidirectional communications without synchronous clocking
CY Wen, RD Morris, WA Sethares
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (5), 1927-1939, 2007
The Ising/Potts model is not well suited to segmentation tasks
RD Morris, X Descombes, J Zerubia
1996 IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop Proceedings, 263-266, 1996
A sampling based approach to line scratch removal from motion picture frames
RD Morris, WJ Fitzgerald, AC Kokaram
Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 1, 801-804, 1996
A statistical framework for the sensitivity analysis of radiative transfer models
RD Morris, A Kottas, M Taddy, R Furfaro, BD Ganapol
IEEE transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (12), 4062-4074, 2008
Inhomogeneous, disordered, and partially ordered systems-Variable-range hopping of spin polarons: Magnetoresistance in a modified Mott regime
M Foygel, RD Morris, AG Petukhov
Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter 67 (13), 134205-134205, 2003
Visualization, extraction and quantification of discontinuities in compressible flows
R Samtaney, RD Morris, P Cheeseman, V Sunelyansky, D Maluf, D Wolf
International conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2000
Maximum likelihood estimation of Markov random field parameters using markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms
X Descombes, R Morris, J Zerubia, M Berthod
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition …, 1997
Fully Bayesian image segmentation-an engineering perspective
R Morris, X Descombes, J Zerubia
Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing 3, 54-57, 1997
GRB polarimetry with POET
ML McConnell, L Angelini, MG Baring, S Barthelmy, JK Black, PF Bloser, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1133 (1), 64-66, 2009
Quantum adiabatic optimization and combinatorial landscapes
VN Smelyanskiy, S Knysh, RD Morris
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (3 …, 2004
Quelques améliorations à la segmentation d'images bayesienne
X Descombes, R Morris, J Zerubia
INRIA, 1996
Dramatic improvements to feature based stereo
VN Smelyansky, RD Morris, FO Kuehnel, DA Maluf, P Cheeseman
Computer Vision—ECCV 2002: 7th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2002
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Articles 1–20