Thomas Schmid
Cited by
Cited by
Capital structure decisions in family firms: empirical evidence from a bank-based economy
M Ampenberger, T Schmid, AK Achleitner, C Kaserer
Review of Managerial Science 7 (3), 247-275, 2013
Control considerations, creditor monitoring, and the capital structure of family firms
T Schmid
Journal of Banking & Finance 37 (2), 257-–272, 2013
The value of financial flexibility and corporate financial policy
MS Rapp, T Schmid, D Urban
Journal of Corporate Finance 29, 288-302, 2014
Family firms and R&D behavior–New evidence from a large-scale survey
T Schmid, AK Achleitner, M Ampenberger, C Kaserer
Research Policy 43 (1), 233-244, 2014
Employee representation and financial leverage
C Lin, T Schmid, Y Xuan
Journal of Financial Economics 127 (2), 303-324, 2018
Why do firms (not) hedge?—Novel evidence on cultural influence
M Lievenbrück, T Schmid
Journal of Corporate Finance 25, 92-106, 2014
The Effect of Family Governance on Corporate Time Horizons
I Kappes, T Schmid
Corporate Governance: An International Review 21 (6), 547-566, 2013
Production Flexibility, Product Markets, and Capital Structure Decisions
SJ Reinartz, T Schmid
Review of Financial Studies, hhv126, 2015
Family Firm Heterogeneity and Corporate Policy: Evidence from Diversification Decisions
T Schmid, M Ampenberger, C Kaserer, AK Achleitner
Corporate Governance: An International Review 23 (3), 285-302, 2015
Modeling electricity spot prices: combining mean reversion, spikes, and stochastic volatility
K Mayer, T Schmid, F Weber
The European Journal of Finance 21 (4), 292-315, 2015
The economic consequences of a'glass-ceiling': Women on corporate boards and firm value
T Schmid, D Urban
AFA 2016 San Francisco Meetings Paper, 2018
Is skin in the game a game changer? Evidence from mandatory changes of D&O insurance policies
C Lin, MS Officer, T Schmid, H Zou
Journal of Accounting and Economics 68 (1), 101225, 2019
Does board size matter?
D Jenter, T Schmid, D Urban
European Corporate Governance Institute–Finance Working Paper, 2023
Product Price Risk and Liquidity Management: Evidence from the Electricity Industry
C Lin, T Schmid, MS Weisbach
Climate Change, Demand Uncertainty, and Firms’ Investments: Evidence from Planned Power Plants
C Lin, T Schmid, MS Weisbach
Fisher College of Business Working Paper, 2023
Female directors and firm value: New evidence from directors’ deaths
T Schmid, D Urban
Management Science 69 (4), 2449-2473, 2023
Directors’ Incentives from Potential Regulatory Penalties: Evidence from their Voting
W Ding, C Lin, T Schmid, MS Weisbach
Fisher College of Business Working Paper, 011, 2022
Employee Board Representation and Capital Investment
Q Jin, H Ma, T Schmid, G Zhang
Management Science, 2024
Implicit versus Explicit Contracting in Executive Compensation for Environmental and Social Performance
R Michaely, T Schmid, M Wang
Employee Representation and the Manager-to-Worker Pay Ratio
C Lin, T Schmid, Y Sun
Review of Corporate Finance Studies, cfae021, 2024
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Articles 1–20