Adrianna (Anna) Jenkins
Cited by
Cited by
Repetition suppression of ventromedial prefrontal activity during judgments of self and others
AC Jenkins, CN Macrae, JP Mitchell
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (11), 4507-4512, 2008
Taking another person's perspective increases self-referential neural processing
DL Ames, AC Jenkins, MR Banaji, JP Mitchell
Psychological science 19 (7), 642-644, 2008
Medial prefrontal cortex subserves diverse forms of self-reflection
AC Jenkins, JP Mitchell
Social neuroscience 6 (3), 211-218, 2011
Distortions of mind perception in psychopathology
K Gray, AC Jenkins, AS Heberlein, DM Wegner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (2), 477-479, 2011
Mentalizing under uncertainty: dissociated neural responses to ambiguous and unambiguous mental state inferences
AC Jenkins, JP Mitchell
Cerebral Cortex 20 (2), 404-410, 2010
Going beyond the evidence: Abstract laws and preschoolers’ responses to anomalous data
LE Schulz, ND Goodman, JB Tenenbaum, AC Jenkins
Cognition 109 (2), 211-223, 2008
Exploring the neural correlates of social stereotyping
S Quadflieg, DJ Turk, GD Waiter, JP Mitchell, AC Jenkins, CN Macrae
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (8), 1560-1570, 2009
Neural correlates of stereotype application
JP Mitchell, DL Ames, AC Jenkins, MR Banaji
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (3), 594-604, 2009
Damage to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex affects tradeoffs between honesty and self-interest
L Zhu, AC Jenkins, E Set, D Scabini, RT Knight, PH Chiu, B King-Casas, ...
Nature neuroscience 17 (10), 1319-1321, 2014
Predicting human behavior toward members of different social groups
AC Jenkins, P Karashchuk, L Zhu, M Hsu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (39), 9696-9701, 2018
Reduced self-referential neural response during intergroup competition predicts competitor harm
M Cikara, AC Jenkins, N Dufour, R Saxe
NeuroImage 96, 36-43, 2014
Judicious imitation: Children differentially imitate deterministically and probabilistically effective actions
LE Schulz, C Hooppell, AC Jenkins
Child Development 79 (2), 395-410, 2008
The neural bases of directed and spontaneous mental state attributions to group agents
AC Jenkins, D Dodell-Feder, R Saxe, J Knobe
PLoS One 9 (8), e105341, 2014
Rethinking cognitive load: a default-mode network perspective
AC Jenkins
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 23 (7), 531-533, 2019
Cognitive neuroscience of honesty and deception: A signaling framework
AC Jenkins, L Zhu, M Hsu
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 11, 130-137, 2016
How has cognitive neuroscience contributed to social psychological theory?
AC Jenkins, JP Mitchell
Social Neuroscience: Toward understanding the underpinnings of the social …, 2011
Dissociable contributions of imagination and willpower to the malleability of human patience
AC Jenkins, M Hsu
Psychological science 28 (7), 894-906, 2017
Neural representations of others’ traits predict social decisions
K Kobayashi, JW Kable, M Hsu, AC Jenkins
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (22), e2116944119, 2022
A role for uncertainty in the neural distinction between social and nonsocial thought
D Berkay, AC Jenkins
Perspectives on Psychological Science 18 (2), 491-502, 2023
Empathy affects tradeoffs between life's quality and duration
AC Jenkins
Plos one 14 (10), e0221652, 2019
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Articles 1–20