Andrzej Kozyra
Andrzej Kozyra
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Cited by
Experimental analysis of vibration control algorithms applied for an off-road vehicle with magnetorheological dampers
P Krauze, J Kasprzyk, A Kozyra, J Rzepecki
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 37 (3), 619-639, 2018
A weighted method for reducing measurement uncertainty below that which results from maximum permissible error
J Wiora, A Kozyra, A Wiora
Measurement Science and Technology 27 (3), 035007, 2016
Remote controlled water craft for water measurement
A Kozyra, K Skrzypczyk, K Stebel, A Rolnik, P Rolnik, M Kućma
Measurement 111, 105-113, 2017
Towards automation of measurement processes of surface water parameters by a remote-controlled catamaran
J Wiora, A Kozyra, A Wiora
Bulletin of the polish academy of sciences technical sciences, 351-359-351-359, 2017
Szacowanie niepewności w pomiarach potencjometrycznych
A Kozyra, A Wiora, J Wiora
PAN, Katowice, 2007
Calibration of potentiometric sensor arrays with a reduced number of standards
A Kozyra, J Wiora, A Wiora
Talanta 98, 28-33, 2012
Comments on “Combined measurements–A way to improve the measurement accuracy of an additive quantity” by R. Siuda and A. Grabowski
J Wiora, A Kozyra, A Wiora
Measurement 46 (7), 2259-2261, 2013
Dynamic models of ion-selective electrodes with their electronic interface
A Wiora, J Wiora, A Kozyra
Metrology and Measurement Systems 13 (4), 421-432, 2006
Pilotowy system geoinformacji dla wybranych rejonów eksploatacji surowców skalnych w województwie dolnośląskim. Etap 5.1, Zdefiniowane struktury systemu i zebranie danych o …
J Górniak-Zimroz, K Pactwa, J Blachowski, L Jurdziak, W Kawalec, ...
Nr I11/2011/S-009, 2011
Procedury pomiaru parametrów elektrod jonoselektywnych
A Kozyra
Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola 54 (5), 310-313, 2008
Selection of methods for intuitive, haptic control of the underwater vehicle’s manipulator
T Grzejszczak, A Babiarz, R Bieda, K Jaskot, A Kozyra, P Ściegienka
Advanced, Contemporary Control: Proceedings of KKA 2020—The 20th Polish …, 2020
Underwater Human Arm Manipulator–System Calibration
A Babiarz, R Bieda, T Grzejszczak, K Jaskot, A Kozyra, P Ściegienka
Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal 18 (2), 2024
Underwater manipulator that imitates the movements of the human arm
A Babiarz, R Bieda, T Borowik, T Grzejszczak, T Hartwig, K Jaskot, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1271185, 2023
Increasing the pro-entrepreneurial attitude of students through interdisciplinary action in STEM related fields
A Kozyra, A Gnida, D Halabowski, R Kippen, I Lewin
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Mindsets Through STEM Education, 117-140, 2023
Method and system for controlling heating, ventilation and air conditioning
M Borowka, A Kolosowski, M Pawelczyk, A Kozyra, T Grychowski, ...
US Patent App. 16/527,083, 2021
Application of artificial neural networks for modelling of Nicolsky-Eisenman equation and determination of ion activities in mixtures
J Wiora, D Grabowski, A Wiora, A Kozyra
Intelligent Systems' 2014: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International …, 2015
Realizacja skokowej zmiany aktywności jonów na membranie jonoselektywnej z wykorzystaniem elektrozaworów
A Wiora, A Klaczyński, J Wiora, A Kozyra
Elektronika: konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania 49 (6), 142-144, 2008
Stand for investigation properties of arrays of ion-selective electrodes for multiparameter measurements
A Kozyra
Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors IV 4516, 149-154, 2001
Development of an “Artificial Lung” System for Use in Indoor Air Quality Testing
A Kozyra, A Lipczyńska, P Koper, R Babisz, D Madej, K Nowakowski, ...
Proceedings of the XXI Polish Control Conference, 135-144, 2023
Pomiary fizykochemiczne wód powierzchniowych z użyciem mobilnego systemu pomiarowego
A Chrapońska, A Kozyra
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej …, 2018
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Articles 1–20