maria  luisa damiani
maria luisa damiani
Professor of Computer Science, University of Milan, Italy
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A conceptual view on trajectories
S Spaccapietra, C Parent, ML Damiani, JA de Macedo, F Porto, ...
Data & knowledge engineering 65 (1), 126-146, 2008
Semantic trajectories modeling and analysis
C Parent, S Spaccapietra, C Renso, G Andrienko, N Andrienko, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 45 (4), 1-32, 2013
GEO-RBAC: A spatially aware RBAC
ML Damiani, E Bertino, B Catania, P Perlasca
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 10 (1), 2007
The PROBE Framework for the Personalized Cloaking of Private Locations.
ML Damiani, E Bertino, C Silvestri
Trans. Data Priv. 3 (2), 123-148, 2010
Preventing velocity-based linkage attacks in location-aware applications
G Ghinita, ML Damiani, C Silvestri, E Bertino
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on advances …, 2009
Symbolic trajectories
RH Güting, F Valdés, ML Damiani
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS) 1 (2), 1-51, 2015
Fine-grained cloaking of sensitive positions in location-sharing applications
ML Damiani, C Silvestri, E Bertino
IEEE Pervasive Computing 10 (4), 64-72, 2011
Privacy-preserving sharing of sensitive semantic locations under road-network constraints
E Yigitoglu, ML Damiani, O Abul, C Silvestri
2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 186-195, 2012
Protecting location privacy against spatial inferences: the PROBE approach
ML Damiani, E Bertino, C Silvestri
Proceedings of the 2nd SIGSPATIAL ACM GIS 2009 International Workshop on …, 2009
Security and privacy for geospatial data: concepts and research directions
E Bertino, B Thuraisingham, M Gertz, ML Damiani
Proceedings of the SIGSPATIAL ACM GIS 2008 International Workshop on …, 2008
Spatial data warehouse modelling
ML Damiani, S Spaccapietra
Data Warehousing and Mining: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2008
Location privacy models in mobile applications: conceptual view and research directions
ML Damiani
GeoInformatica 18, 819-842, 2014
Extracting stay regions with uncertain boundaries from GPS trajectories: a case study in animal ecology
ML Damiani, H Issa, F Cagnacci
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on advances …, 2014
A lava flow simulation model for the development of volcanic hazard maps for Mount Etna (Italy)
ML Damiani, G Groppelli, G Norini, E Bertino, A Gigliuto, A Nucita
Computers & geosciences 32 (4), 512-526, 2006
Prox-RBAC: A proximity-based spatially aware RBAC
MS Kirkpatrick, ML Damiani, E Bertino
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2011
An authorization model for geographical maps
A Belussi, E Bertino, B Catania, ML Damiani, A Nucita
Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM international workshop on Geographic …, 2004
Protecting location privacy through semantics-aware obfuscation techniques
ML Damiani, E Bertino, C Silvestri
Trust Management II: Proceedings of IFIPTM 2008: Joint iTrust and PST …, 2008
PROBE: an obfuscation system for the protection of sensitive location information in LBS
M Damiani, E Bertino, C Silvestri
TR2001-145, CERIAS, 2008
An access control system for a web map management service
E Bertino, ML Damiani, D Momini
14th International Workshop Research Issues on Data Engineering: Web …, 2004
Introducing ‘presence’and ‘stationarity index’to study partial migration patterns: an application of a spatio-temporal clustering technique
ML Damiani, H Issa, G Fotino, M Heurich, F Cagnacci
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30 (5), 907-928, 2016
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Articles 1–20