Dariusz Horla
Dariusz Horla
Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Control and Information Engineering
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Cited by
Introduction of feedback linearization to robust LQR and LQI control–analysis of results from an unmanned bicycle robot with reaction wheel
A Owczarkowski, D Horla, J Zietkiewicz
Asian Journal of Control 21 (2), 1028-1040, 2019
Real-time model-free minimum-seeking autotuning method for unmanned aerial vehicle controllers based on fibonacci-search algorithm
W Giernacki, D Horla, T Báča, M Saska
Sensors 19 (2), 312, 2019
Minimum Variance Adaptive Control of A Servo Drive with Unknown Structure and Parameters.
D Horla
Asian Journal of Control 15 (1), 2013
Identyfikacja obiektów sterowania: metody dyskretne
A Królikowski, D Horla
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2005
Robust LQR and LQI control with actuator failure of a 2DOF unmanned bicycle robot stabilized by an inertial wheel
A Owczarkowski, D Horla
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 26 (2 …, 2016
AL-TUNE: A family of methods to effectively tune UAV controllers in in-flight conditions
D Horla, W Giernacki, T Báča, V Spurny, M Saska
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 103 (1), 5, 2021
Optimal tuning of fractional-order controllers based on Fibonacci-search method
D Horla, T Sadalla
ISA transactions 104, 287-298, 2020
Dynamic modeling and simulation of a bicycle stabilized by LQR control
A Owczarkowski, D Horla, P Kozierski, T Sadalla
2016 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and …, 2016
Stability analysis and tracking performance of fractional-order PI controller for a second-order oscillatory system with time-delay
T Sadalla, D Horla, W Giernacki, P Kozierski
2016 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and …, 2016
Optimal tuning of the lateral-dynamics parameters for aerial vehicles with bounded lateral force
D Horla, M Hamandi, W Giernacki, A Franchi
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 3949-3955, 2021
On directional change and anti-windup compensation in multivariable control systems
D Horla
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 19 (2 …, 2009
Experimental results on actuator/sensor failures in adaptive GPC position control
D Horla
Actuators 10 (3), 43, 2021
On obtaining energy-optimal trajectories for landing of UAVs
D Horla, J Cieślak
Energies 13 (8), 2062, 2020
Power system stabilizer as a part of a generator MPC adaptive predictive control system
P Sokólski, TA Rutkowski, B Ceran, D Horla, D Złotecka
Energies 14 (20), 6631, 2021
Kaldi toolkit in Polish whispery speech recognition
P Kozierski, T Sadalla, S Drgas, A Dąbrowski, D Horla
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 92 (11), 301-304, 2016
Mathematical models database (MMD ver. 1.0) non-commercial proposal for researchers
W Giernacki, D Horla, T Sadalla
2016 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and …, 2016
Robust LQR with actuator failure control strategies for 4DoF model of unmanned bicycle robot stabilised by inertial wheel
D Horla, A Owczarkowski
2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems …, 2015
Analysis of simple anti-windup compensation in pole-placement control of a second order oscillatory system
T Sadalla, D Horla
Measurement Automation Monitoring 61 (2), 54--57, 2015
Sterowanie adaptacyjne
D Horla
Cwiczenia laboratoryjne, 2010
Influence of time delay on fractional-order PI-controlled system for a second-order oscillatory plant model with time delay
T Sadalla, D Horla, W Giernacki, P Kozierski
Archives of Electrical Engineering 66 (4), 693-704, 2017
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Articles 1–20