Bertrand Alessandrini
Bertrand Alessandrini
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Two-dimensional SPH simulations of wedge water entries
G Oger, M Doring, B Alessandrini, P Ferrant
Journal of computational physics 213 (2), 803-822, 2006
An Hamiltonian interface SPH formulation for multi-fluid and free surface flows
N Grenier, M Antuono, A Colagrossi, D Le Touzé, B Alessandrini
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (22), 8380-8393, 2009
An improved SPH method: Towards higher order convergence
G Oger, M Doring, B Alessandrini, P Ferrant
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (2), 1472-1492, 2007
Normal flux method at the boundary for SPH
M De Leffe, D Le Touzé, B Alessandrini
4th Int. SPHERIC Workshop (SPHERIC 2009), 2009
Violent Fluid-Structure Interaction simulations using a coupled SPH/FEM method
G Fourey, G Oger, D Le Touzé, B Alessandrini
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 10 (1), 012041, 2010
SPH simulation of green water and ship flooding scenarios
D Le Touzé, A Marsh, G Oger, PM Guilcher, C Khaddaj-Mallat, ...
Journal of Hydrodynamics 22 (1), 231-236, 2010
A multigrid velocity-pressure-free surface elevation fully coupled solver for calculation of turbulent incompressible flow around a hull
B Alessandrini
Proc. 21st Symp. Naval Hydrodynamics, 328-345, 1997
SPH modeling of shallow-water coastal flows
M De Leffe, D Le Touzé, B Alessandrini
Journal of Hydraulic Research 48 (sup1), 118-125, 2010
Simulation of three‐dimensional unsteady viscous free surface flow around a ship model
B Alessandrini, G Delhommeau
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 19 (4), 321-342, 1994
A potential/RANSE approach for regular water wave diffraction about 2-D structures
P Ferrant, L Gentaz, B Alessandrini, D Le Touzé, ...
Ship Technology Research 50 (4), 165-171, 2003
On roll hydrodynamics of cylinders fitted with bilge keels
RW Yeung, D Roddier, B Alessandrini, L Gentaz, SW Liao
Twenty-Third Symposium on Naval HydrodynamicsOffice of Naval ResearchBassin …, 2001
A fully coupled Navier–Stokes solver for calculation of turbulent incompressible free surface flow past a ship hull
B Alessandrini, G Delhommeau
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 29 (2), 125-142, 1999
A 2D+ T VOF fully coupled formulation for the calculation of breaking free-surface flow
Y Andrillon, B Alessandrini
Journal of marine science and technology 8, 159-168, 2004
Viscous free surface flow past a ship in drift and in rotating motion
B Alessandrini, G Delhommeau
22th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, 1998
Modeling and reactive navigation of an autonomous sailboat
C Petres, MA Romero-Ramirez, F Plumet, B Alessandrini
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011
Applications of the SWENSE Method to seakeeping simulations in irregular waves
R Luquet, G Ducrozet, L Gentaz, P Ferrant, B Alessandrini
Proc of the 9th Int. Conf. on Num. Ship Hydro, 2007
Codages de rotations et basses complexités
P Alessandri
These de Doctorat, Marseille, 1996
Water wave propagation using SPH models
PM Guilcher, G Ducorzet, B Alessandrini, P Ferrant
Proceedings 2nd International Spheric Workshop, 119-122, 2007
A modified no-slip condition in weakly-compressible SPH
M De Leffe, D Le Touzé, B Alessandrini
6th Int. SPHERIC Workshop (SPHERIC 2011), 2011
Numerical simulation of the 3D viscous flow around a vertical cylinder in non-linear waves using an explicit incident wave model
L Gentaz, R Luquet, B Alessandrini, P Ferrant
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 37432 …, 2004
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Articles 1–20