Aleksander Smywiński-Pohl
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Towards textual data augmentation for neural networks: synonyms and maximum loss
M Jungiewicz, A Smywiński-Pohl
Computer Science 20, 2019
Improving classifier training efficiency for automatic cyberbullying detection with feature density
J Eronen, M Ptaszynski, F Masui, A Smywiński-Pohl, G Leliwa, ...
Information Processing & Management 58 (5), 102616, 2021
Classifying the Wikipedia Articles into the OpenCyc Taxonomy.
A Pohl
WoLE@ ISWC, 5-16, 2012
Cyberbullying Detection--Technical Report 2/2018, Department of Computer Science AGH, University of Science and Technology
M Ptaszyński, G Leliwa, M Piech, A Smywiński-Pohl
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.00926, 2018
Meta-User2Vec model for addressing the user and item cold-start problem in recommender systems
J Misztal-Radecka, B Indurkhya, A Smywiński-Pohl
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 31 (2), 261-286, 2021
Improving the Wikipedia Miner word sense disambiguation algorithm
A Pohl
2012 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2012
Using part of speech n-grams for improving automatic speech recognition of polish
A Pohl, B Ziółko
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 492-504, 2013
The context of mistrust: Perjury ascriptions in the courtroom
I Skoczeń, A Smywiński-Pohl
From lying to perjury: Linguistic and legal perspectives on lies and other …, 2022
Automatic construction of a polish legal dictionary with mappings to extra-legal terms established via word embeddings
A Smywiński-Pohl, K Lasocki, K Wróbel, M Strzała
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial …, 2019
Improving text classification with vectors of reduced precision
K Wróbel, M Wielgosz, M Pietroń, M Karwatowski, A Smywiński-Pohl
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.06363, 2017
Knowledge-based named entity recognition in polish
A Pohl
2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 145-151, 2013
Classifying the wikipedia articles in the opencyc taxonomy
A Pohl
Web of Linked Entities Workshop (WoLE 2012), 2012
The polish interface for linked open data
A Pohl
Proceedings of the ISWC, 165-168, 2010
PolEval 2022/23 challenge tasks and results
Ł Kobyliński, M Ogrodniczuk, P Rybak, P Przybyła, P Pęzik, A Mikołajczyk, ...
2023 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS …, 2023
Comparison of SVM and ontology-based text classification methods
K Wróbel, M Wielgosz, A Smywiński-Pohl, M Pietron
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 15th International Conference …, 2016
The Semi-automatic Construction of the Polish Cyc Lexicon
A Pohl
Investigationes Linguisticae 21, 17-38, 2010
Application of character-level language models in the domain of polish statutory law
A Smywiński-Pohl, K Wróbel, K Lasocki, M Jungiewicz
Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 217-222, 2019
PolEval 2019—the next chapter in evaluating Natural Language Processing tools for Polish
Ł Kobylinski, M Ogrodniczuk, J Kocon, M Marcinczuk, A Smywinski-Pohl, ...
Poznań: Nauka i Innowacje, 2019
Comparison of language models trained on written texts and speech transcripts in the context of automatic speech recognition
S Dziadzio, A Nabożny, A Smywiński-Pohl, B Ziółko
2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2015
Automatic Construction of the Polish Nominal Lexicon for the OpenCyc Ontology
A Pohl
Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Systems, 2009
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