Henning Agt-Rickauer
Cited by
Cited by
DoMoRe–A Recommender System for Domain Modeling
H Agt-Rickauer, RD Kutsche, H Sack
International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2018
Metamodeling foundation for software and data integration
H Agt, G Bauhoff, M Cartsburg, D Kumpe, R Kutsche, N Milanovic
Information Systems: Modeling, Development, and Integration: Third …, 2009
Automated Recommendation of Related Model Elements for Domain Models
H Agt-Rickauer, RD Kutsche, H Sack
Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Springer CCIS 991, 134--158, 2019
Guidance for domain specific modeling in small and medium enterprises
H Agt, RD Kutsche, T Wegeler
Proceedings of the compilation of the co-located workshops on DSM'11, TMC'11 …, 2011
Automated construction of a large semantic network of related terms for domain-specific modeling
H Agt, RD Kutsche
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 25th International Conference …, 2013
Quantitative analysis of art market using ontologies, named entity recognition and machine learning: A case study
D Filipiak, H Agt-Rickauer, C Hentschel, A Filipowska, H Sack
Business Information Systems: 19th International Conference, BIS 2016 …, 2016
Semantic Annotation and Automated Extraction of Audio-Visual Staging Patterns in Large-Scale Empirical Film Studies
H Agt-Rickauer, C Hentschel, H Sack
SEMANTiCS Posters&Demos 2018, 2018
Semantic Annotation and Conflict Analysis for Information System Integration
H Agt, G Bauhoff, RD Kutsche, N Milanovic, J Widiker
Proceedings of the MDTPI at ECMFA 2010, 2010
Authoring and Publishing Linked Open Film-Analytical Data
H Agt-Rickauer, O Aubert, C Hentschel, H Sack
21st International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge …, 2018
Supporting software language engineering by automated domain knowledge acquisition
H Agt
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 4-11, 2011
Model-based semantic conflict analysis for software-and data-integration scenarios
H Agt, G Bauhoff, J Widiker, RD Kutsche, N Milanovic
Techn. Univ., 2009
Supporting Domain Modeling with Automated Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling Recommendations
H Agt-Rickauer
Technische Universität Berlin, Database Systems and Information Management …, 2020
Data Integration for the Media Value Chain.
H Agt-Rickauer, J Waitelonis, T Tietz, H Sack
International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos), 2016
The BIZWARE Research Project
H Agt, RD Kutsche, N Natho, Y Li
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems-Exhibition Track, 15th …, 2012
Modeling and Analyzing Non-functional Properties to Support Software Integration
H Agt, G Bauhoff, RD Kutsche, N Milanovic
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2011 International …, 2011
AdA Filmontology – a machine-readable Film Analysis Vocabulary for Video Annotation
JH Bakels, T Scherer, J Stratil, H Agt-Rickauer
Digital Humanities Conference 2020 (DH2020), 2020
SemAcom: A System for Modeling with Semantic Autocompletion
H Agt
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems-15th International Conference …, 2012
Metamodels and Transformations for Software and Data Integration
H Agt, G Bauhoff, D Kumpe, RD Kutsche, N Milanovic, M Shtelma, ...
AdA Annotation Explorer - Ein Framework für zeitbasierte Linked Open Data-Annotationen zur Analyse audiovisueller Korpora.
H Agt-Rickauer, T Scherer, J Stratil
8. Tagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, DHd …, 2022
Standardization and Automation of Audiovisual Annotations
H Agt-Rickauer, C Hentschel
Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), 2019
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Articles 1–20