Computer networking: A top-down approach featuring the internet, 3/E JF Kurose Pearson Education India, 2005 | 7133 | 2005 |
Modeling TCP throughput: A simple model and its empirical validation J Padhye, V Firoiu, D Towsley, J Kurose Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM'98 conference on Applications, technologies …, 1998 | 3570 | 1998 |
Modeling TCP Reno performance: a simple model and its empirical validation J Padhye, V Firoiu, DF Towsley, JF Kurose IEEE/ACM transactions on Networking 8 (2), 133-145, 2000 | 1533 | 2000 |
Redes de computadores e Internet J Kurose, K Ross São Paulo: Person, 2006 | 1244* | 2006 |
A survey of practical issues in underwater networks J Partan, J Kurose, BN Levine ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 11 (4), 23-33, 2007 | 1148 | 2007 |
Performance modeling of epidemic routing X Zhang, G Neglia, J Kurose, D Towsley Computer Networks 51 (10), 2867-2891, 2007 | 941 | 2007 |
Measurement and modelling of the temporal dependence in packet loss M Yajnik, S Moon, J Kurose, D Towsley IEEE INFOCOM'99. Conference on Computer Communications. Proceedings …, 1999 | 922 | 1999 |
Adaptive playout mechanisms for packetized audio applications in wide-area networks R Ramjee, J Kurose, D Towsley, H Schulzrinne Proceedings of INFOCOM'94 Conference on Computer Communications, 680-688, 1994 | 830 | 1994 |
Packet loss correlation in the MBone multicast network M Yajnik, J Kurose, D Towsley Proceedings of GLOBECOM'96. 1996 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference …, 1996 | 594 | 1996 |
P2Cast: peer-to-peer patching scheme for VoD service Y Guo, K Suh, J Kurose, D Towsley Proceedings of the 12th international conference on World Wide Web, 301-309, 2003 | 531 | 2003 |
Study of a bus-based disruption-tolerant network: mobility modeling and impact on routing X Zhang, J Kurose, BN Levine, D Towsley, H Zhang Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Mobile …, 2007 | 516 | 2007 |
Characteristics of youtube network traffic at a campus network–measurements, models, and implications M Zink, K Suh, Y Gu, J Kurose Computer networks 53 (4), 501-514, 2009 | 475 | 2009 |
Real-time communication in packet-switched networks CM Aras, JF Kurose, DS Reeves, H Schulzrinne Proceedings of the IEEE 82 (1), 122-139, 1994 | 446 | 1994 |
Packet audio playout delay adjustment: performance bounds and algorithms SB Moon, J Kurose, D Towsley Multimedia systems 6, 17-28, 1998 | 444 | 1998 |
Modeling peer-peer file sharing systems Z Ge, DR Figueiredo, S Jaiswal, J Kurose, D Towsley IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE …, 2003 | 434 | 2003 |
A model based TCP-friendly rate control protocol J Padhye, J Kurose, D Towsley, R Koodli Proceedings of NOSSDAV’99, 1999 | 432 | 1999 |
A microeconomic approach to optimal resource allocation in distributed computer systems JF Kurose, R Simha IEEE Transactions on computers 38 (5), 705-717, 1989 | 411 | 1989 |
Supporting stored video: Reducing rate variability and end-to-end resource requirements through optimal smoothing JD Salehi, ZL Zhang, J Kurose, D Towsley IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 6 (4), 397-410, 1998 | 406 | 1998 |
Supporting stored video: Reducing rate variability and end-to-end resource requirements through optimal smoothing JD Salehi, ZL Zhang, JF Kurose, D Towsley ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 24 (1), 222-231, 1996 | 406 | 1996 |
A comparison of sender-initiated and receiver-initiated reliable multicast protocols S Pingali, D Towsley, JF Kurose ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 22 (1), 221-230, 1994 | 398 | 1994 |