Fanel-Viorel Panaitescu
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Cited by
Risk management with Bowtie diagrams
I Voicu, FV Panaitescu, M Panaitescu, LG Dumitrescu, M Turof
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 400 (8), 082021, 2018
Impact of coastal protection systems on marine ecosystems
IA Anton, M Panaitescu, FV Panaitescu, S Ghiță
E3S Web of Conferences 85, 07011, 2019
A method for flow modelling of vulnerable areas
M Panaitescu, FV Panaitescu, IA Anton, C Anton
Journal of marine Technology and environment 2 (1), 43-48, 2016
Macro-engineering seawater in unique environments: Arid lowlands and water bodies rehabilitation
V Badescu, R Cathcart
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Research on Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) used in shipping industry for reducing SOx emissions
MV Vasilescu, D Dinu, M Panaitescu, FV Panaitescu
E3S Web of Conferences 286, 04002, 2021
Indoor air quality monitoring universal device
M Panaitescu, MV Dumitrescu, FV Panaitescu
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 916 (1), 012081, 2020
New solutions to protect the Romanian coastline
FV Panaitescu, M Panaitescu, IA Anton, C Anton, M Turof
ATOM-N 2018 1 (Constanta), PS4-7,OMN100-10, 2018
Oil leakage simulation and spill prediction from sunk ship Paris, near Constanta harbor
I Voicu, FV Panaitescu, M Panaitescu, VN Panaitescu, VA Panaitescu
The 7th International Conference on Management of Tehnological Changes …, 2011
The impact of quality air in the engine room on the crew
M Panaitescu, FV Panaitescu, MV Dumitrescu, VN Panaitescu
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2019
Theoretical and experimental researches on the operating costs of a waste-water treatment plant
M Panaitescu, FV Panaitescu, IA Anton
ModTech, 3rd International Conference Modern Technologies in industrial …, 2015
Experimental researches of marine wave parameters in the Black Sea Basin
FV Panaitescu, M Panaitescu, IA Anton
Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies …, 2016
An accurate and fast iterative scheme for estimating the ship rolling and capsizing in regular waves
D Deleanu, M Panaitescu, FV Panaitescu
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 916 (1), 012025, 2020
Modeling the equipment shape of the technological flow of the waste water treatment station
M Panaitescu, FV Panaitescu, II Panaitescu
Hidraulica, 16-22, 2019
Performances in tank cleaning
VA Panaitescu, M Panaitescu, FV Panaitescu, L Martes
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2018
Processing of the data obtained with the Advanced Doppler Velocymeter
FV Panaitescu, D Deleanu, M Panaitescu
Advanced Materials Research 837, 757-762, 2014
Training for environmental risks in the Black Sea Basin
FV Panaitescu, M Panaitescu, I Voicu, II Panaitescu
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2014
Controlling chaos in biological populations with non-overlapping generations
D Deleanu, FV Panaitescu
4th European Conference of control,, Paris, (ECC’13) 1 (2013), 67-72, 2013
Structure and seasonal dynamics of water bugs communities (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) in anthropic and natural ponds from south-eastern Transylvania: the role of vegetation and …
DM Ilie, H Olosutean
Advances in Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Tourism (2013 ed), eds …, 2013
Choose the best electricity sources for a container ship by using a hybrid optimization model for electric renewable
MV Vasilescu, M Panaitescu, FV Panaitescu, D Dinu, C Panait
Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies X …, 2020
Assessment of health risk in the maritime industry
M Lyubcheva, L Lyubchev, M Dimitrov, M Panaitescu
Journal of Marine Technology and Environment 1 (1), 23-26, 2020
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Articles 1–20