Carey S. Ryan
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Data analysis: A model comparison approach to regression, ANOVA, and beyond
CM Judd, GH McClelland, CS Ryan
Routledge, 2017
Multicultural and colorblind ideology, stereotypes, and ethnocentrism among Black and White Americans
CS Ryan, JS Hunt, JA Weible, CR Peterson, JF Casas
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 10 (4), 617-637, 2007
Stereotypes and ethnocentrism: Diverging interethnic perceptions of African American and White American youth.
CM Judd, B Park, CS Ryan, M Brauer, S Kraus
Journal of personality and social psychology 69 (3), 460, 1995
Accuracy in the judgment of in-group and out-group variability.
CM Judd, CS Ryan, B Park
Journal of personality and social psychology 61 (3), 366, 1991
Parent involvement and views of school success: The role of parents' Latino and White American cultural orientations
CS Ryan, JF Casas, L Kelly‐Vance, BO Ryalls, C Nero
Psychology in the Schools 47 (4), 391-405, 2010
Role of meaningful subgroups in explaining differences in perceived variability for in-groups and out-groups.
B Park, CS Ryan, CM Judd
Journal of personality and social psychology 63 (4), 553, 1992
Social categorization and the representation of variability information
B Park, CM Judd, CS Ryan
European review of social psychology 2 (1), 211-245, 1991
Research methods in social relations
G Maruyama, CS Ryan
John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Effects of racial stereotypes on judgments of individuals: The moderating role of perceived group variability
CS Ryan, CM Judd, B Park
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 32 (1), 71-103, 1996
Nursing specialty and burnout
L Browning, CS Ryan, S Thomas, M Greenberg, S Rolniak
Psychology, Health & Medicine 12 (2), 148-154, 2007
Oxygen cost of running barefoot vs. running shod
NJ Hanson, K Berg, P Deka, JR Meendering, C Ryan
International journal of sports medicine 32 (06), 401-406, 2011
Longitudinal changes in college math students’ implicit theories of intelligence
RL Shively, CS Ryan
Social Psychology of Education 16, 241-256, 2013
Interethnic ideology, intergroup perceptions, and cultural orientation
CS Ryan, JF Casas, BK Thompson
Journal of Social Issues 66 (1), 29-44, 2010
Involved parents' perceptions of their experiences in school-based team meetings
SL Esquivel, CS Ryan, M Bonner
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation 18 (3), 234-258, 2008
Stereotype accuracy
C Ryan
European review of social psychology 13 (1), 75-109, 2003
Development of new group members' in-group and out-group stereotypes: Changes in perceived variability and ethnocentrism.
CS Ryan, LM Bogart
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 73 (4), 719, 1997
Effects of external and internal motivation to control prejudice on implicit prejudice: The mediating role of efforts to control prejudiced responses
LRM Hausmann, CS Ryan
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 26 (2-3), 215-225, 2004
Group socialization and intergroup relations
JM Levine, RL Moreland, CS Ryan
Intergroup cognition and intergroup behavior, 283-308, 2013
Accounting for case manager effects in the evaluation of mental health services.
CS Ryan, PS Sherman, CM Judd
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 62 (5), 965, 1994
Accuracy of Black and White college students' in-group and out-group stereotypes
CS Ryan
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 22 (11), 1114-1127, 1996
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Articles 1–20