Oskar Jarczyk
Cited by
Cited by
Github projects. quality analysis of open-source software
O Jarczyk, B Gruszka, S Jaroszewicz, L Bukowski, A Wierzbicki
Social Informatics: 6th International Conference, SocInfo 2014, Barcelona …, 2014
Surgical teams on GitHub: Modeling performance of GitHub project development processes
O Jarczyk, S Jaroszewicz, A Wierzbicki, K Pawlak, M Jankowski-Lorek
Information and Software Technology 100, 32-46, 2018
Choose a job you love: predicting choices of GitHub developers
R Nielek, O Jarczyk, K Pawlak, L Bukowski, R Bartusiak, A Wierzbicki
2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), 200-207, 2016
Cooperation prediction in github developers network with restricted boltzmann machine
R Bartusiak, T Kajdanowicz, A Wierzbicki, L Bukowski, O Jarczyk, ...
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 8th Asian Conference, ACIIDS …, 2016
On the effectiveness of emergent task allocation of virtual programmer teams
O Jarczyk, B Gruszka, L Bukowski, A Wierzbicki
2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI …, 2014
Looking for big money in the grey zone. Simulation of High Yield Investment Programs strategies
K Gniadzik, G Kowalik, O Jarczyk, R Nielek
Computer Science 16 (3)), 237--251, 2015
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Articles 1–6